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An' don't I know 'ow, when old Nick is jes' in the thick o' the fun 'avin' a fine time with the poor silly souls o' men, the Lord suddenly comes out o' the cloud and sez, sez He: 'Now 'nuff o' this 'ere; get thee behind me! An' then an' then ," here Josey paused and struck his staff violently into the earth, "an' then there's a noise as of a mighty wind rushin', an' the angels all falls to trumpetin' an' cries; 'Alleluia!

And as they couldn't be driven out, at last it wuz a great writhin', strugglin' mass of animal forms appallin' to see, while the ears wuz deafened by the maddened cries of leapords and hyenas the wild jabberin' of monkeys, snarlin' and growlin' of panthers, tigers and bears, roarin' of lions hybrids hissin' of serpents pitiful frightened neighing of ponies, trumpetin' of elephants.

I ain't a clever chap like you; but I ain't a born natural, Michael Moon, and when there's an elephant on my doorstep I don't listen to no explanations. `It's got a trunk, I says. `My trunk, you says: `I'm fond of travellin', and a change does me good. `But the blasted thing's got tusks, I says. `Don't look a gift 'orse in the mouth, you says, `but thank the goodness and the graice that on your birth 'as smiled. `But it's nearly as big as the 'ouse, I says. `That's the bloomin' perspective, you says, `and the sacred magic of distance. `Why, the elephant's trumpetin' like the Day of Judgement, I says. `That's your own conscience a-talking to you, Moses Gould, you says in a grive and tender voice.

It's all over wid ye now, me post, says I; but the baste changed its mind, and wint off wid its tail an' trunk in the air, trumpetin' as if it had got the toothache. Well, after that nothin' came for some time, and I think I must have gone off to slape, for I was awoke by a most tremendious roar. Lookin' up I saw a tiger sprawlin' on his back beside the post!