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Charles and Louis were perfectly delighted with the trolley-party, and long before we reached home the former had rung up the fare-register to its full capacity, while the latter, a half-a-dozen times, delightedly occupied himself in mastering the intricacies of the overhead wire. The trolley-party was an undoubted success.

He was in here awhile ago and said he wanted to leave his because he didn't have time to take it to be pressed in time for next winter. Then he went on and joined that crowd in Mr. Parcher's yard, around the corner, that's goin' on a trolley-party. I says, 'I betcher mother maje carry it, and he says, 'Oh no. Oh no, he says.

But I agree to the proposition, and if you wish it I'll prepare to give them a rousing old time." "And be sure to show them something characteristic," said Boswell. "I will," I replied; "I may even get up a trolley-party for them." "I don't know what a trolley-party is, but it sounds well," said Boswell, "and I'll advertise the enterprise at once. 'Boswell's Personally Conducted Pleasure Parties.

Little did I guess that Boswell was busy working up my scheme in his Stygian home! But it came to pass finally that I was roused up. Walking one morning to my desk to find a bit of memoranda I needed, I discovered a type-written slip marked, "No time for small talk. Boswell's tours grand success. Trolley-party to-night. Ten cars wanted. Jim."

"A trolley-party, however successful, would not make a great season for an entertainment bureau, would it?" "No, indeed," said I. "You are perfectly right about that. What you want is one function a week during the summer season. Open with the trolley-party as No. 1 of your first series.

They have the ride plus the straps, with the privilege of standing out on the platform and ringing the gong if they want to. The great thing about the trolley-party is that there's no private car business about it." "Well, I don't know," Boswell murmured, reflectively.

It was a large order for a town like mine, where forty thousand people have to get along with five cars two open ones for winter and two closed for summer, and one, which we have never seen, which is kept for use in the repair-shop. I was in despair. Ten car-loads of immortals coming to my house for a trolley-party under such conditions! It was frightful! I did the best I could, however.

"... 'Jav a good time at the trolley-party?" the clerk in the corner drug-store inquired that evening. "Fine!" said William, taking his overcoat from the hook where he had left it. "How j' like them Little Sweethearts I sold you?" "FINE!" said William.

"Kings be jiggered!" said I. "A trolley-party, my much beloved James, is an essentially democratic institution, and private cars are not de rigueur. If your kings choose to come, let 'em hang on by the straps." "But I've charged 'em extra!" cried Boswell. "That's all right," said I, "they receive extra.