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Can we have some like them?" "You betcher life we can! I'm going to win the beginnings of that farm before I'm a night older. Lordy! Lordy! and to think I never knew anything was eatin' her!" "Blutch, I I don't know what to say. I keep cryin' when I wanna laugh. I never was so happy, Blutch, I never was." "My little kitty-puss!" At seven o'clock came Mr.

"I think you allowed you was out here for your health?" the big Texan, who had returned from the corral, inquired. "Betcher life," swaggered the man with the hat, "N’York’s good enough for me." "But"—and the Texan smiled sweetly—"the man who sold you the hat ain’t out here for his." Judith hid her head and stamped letters.

"I'm only going to be with you for a few days," I answered. "Mr. Jefferson will be your permanent manager." "The hell I will!" spluttered Bunch. Then he got red in the face, glared at Dodo, and grouched out a "beg pardon!" "You betcher sweet!" she replied, patting the Pommery.

See the light in that cabin? And in that one over there? An' hear that door slam? Oh, sure Dawson's asleep. Them lights? Just buryin' their dead. They ain't stampedin', betcher life they ain't."

But only the boy is sure of his tongue. "You was scared, warn't you?" he taunts. The girl understands so much, and is able to reply: "You can schwimmen, I not." "Betcher life I can schwimmen," the other mocks. And the girl walks off, angry and hurt. "An' I can walk on my hands," the tormentor calls after her. "Say, you greenhorn, why don'tcher look?"

"James Garner!" "It's coming now," said Jimmy dolefully. The two little boys sat very still and quiet. "James Lafayette Garner!" The younger child sprang to his feet. "I got to get a move on now," he said; "when she calls like that she means business. I betcher she's got a switch and a hair-brush and a slipper in her hand right this minute. I'll be back toreckly," he promised.

Ordinarily say, if 'twas anything to be done out to sea he'd have said, 'Why, of course, Kiley; go ahead and do it, But this was in a navy yard, ashore, and when he gets a note with something about regulations in it, he begins to haul to. "And many a good sea-going old skipper is bluffed the same way about anything that spells regulations, you betcher.

" betcher boots we will." "God, but this is like heaven to me," exclaimed the barber, as he tilted up his bottle, while the two others stood about him, to keep him from being seen. The three of them drank their bottles of whiskey as if it was water. "That saved me life...." "An' mine, too. You go to Manila wit' us, all right, kid!"

I'd hide in that there bunch of flowers over there, an' I'd watch till the beautiful princess lady with the kind heart come along, an' I'd tell her where she could find them there jewels of happiness what the Interpreter told us about." "Do yer reckon she's in the castle there, right now?" asked Bobby. "I wonder!" murmured Maggie. "Betcher can't guess which winder is hern."

"Aw, that's because Shunky Cheestely chased him all the way up from the corral a minute ago," Happy Jack explained the phenomenon. "I betcher he swaps ends some uh these times and gives that dog the s'prise of his life. He come purty near makin' a stand t'night."