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"It was not in consideration of my own safety that I sought this interview with you," said Richard, head erect. "Grant ye that," the farmer responded. "Grant ye that! Yer bold enough, young gentleman comes of the blood that should be! If y' had only ha' spoke trewth! I believe yer father believe every word he said. I do wish I could ha' said as much for Sir Austin's son and heir."

At the conclusion of the story, as Marty was pumping a pail of water for the kitchen shelf, Walky said: "Gimme a dipper o' that, boy. My mouth's so dry I can't speak the trewth. That's it thanky!" "Ye oughtn't to be dry, Walky comin' right past Lem Parraday's ho-tel," remarked Mr. Day, with a chuckle. "Wal, naow! that's what I was goin' ter speak abeout," said Walky, with sudden vigor.

Crikey, you'd look mighty fine stuck up against a wall with half a dozen bloomin' Prussian rifles looking at yer. Blime if I don't believe you'd dodge the bullets by caving-in at the knees!" A fierce look would be the response to such torment. "Gawd's trewth! My fretful bumble-bee, I'd write to old Tight-Whiskers about it if I was you. Get 'im to come an' bail yer out!"

For vy, because of vot I seen in that house. I've 'ad my bit of trobble mit the police and vy should I tell them how I vos op to a game last night if I vas not a-telling the trewth, eh! I've been on the crook, gentlemen, I say it, ja, but I ain't no murderer, God choke me I ain't! "I've earned gut monney in my time on the 'alls but life is very 'ardt, and I've been alvays hongry these days.

'Ortheris, I answered sternly, for I knew what was in his mind,'do you mean to say that 'I didn't mean to arx money o' you, any'ow, said Ortheris; 'I'd 'a' sold you the dorg good an' cheap, but but I know Mulvaney'll want somethin' after we've walked 'im orf, an' I ain't got nothin', nor 'e 'asn't neither. I'd sooner sell you the dorg, Sir. 'S trewth I would!

At this the old man straightened his back, took a straw from between his teeth, spat and said: "Well, if you must know, Mrs. Mahony, the doctor's not the boss it pleases me to be h'under any more and that's the trewth. I'm tired of it dog-tired. You can slave yer 'ead off for 'im, and 'e never notices a thing you do, h'or if 'e does, it's on'y to find fault.

"What did I go through it fwhor? fwhy, thin, fwhor the sake o' the trewth I'm a Gaaulway man, boys, and it isn't in Can-naught you'll fwhind the man that's afeard to do fwhat's right: here's aaul your healths, and that everything may soon be as it ought to be." "Well," said the other, "you are a Can-naught man sartainly, that's clear from your tongue; but I want to axe you a question.

The Church had nothing to do with the rise of the belief, though, early in the Reformation, some 'psychical phenomena' were claimed as experimental proofs of the existence of purgatory. Reginald Scot decidedly made his Protestant boast too soon. After 300 years of 'the Trewth, as Knox called it, the haunted houses are as much part of the popular creed as ever.

I'm willin' to think well o' you. What I say is, that as you say an't the trewth. Mind! I don't like you none the worse for't. But it an't what is. That's all! You knows it as well's I!" Richard, disdaining to show signs of being pacified, angrily reseated himself.

"It was not in consideration of my own safety that I sought this interview with you," said Richard, head erect. "Grant ye that," the farmer responded. "Grant ye that! Yer bold enough, young gentleman comes of the blood that should be! If y' had only ha' spoke trewth! I believe yer father believe every word he said. I do wish I could ha' said as much for Sir Austin's son and heir."