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Meanwhile M. de Gasparin, firm in his 'Trewth, the need of a chaine of persons, the physical origin of the phenomena, the entire absence of spirits, was so unlucky, when he dealt with 'spirits, as to drop into the very line of argument which he had been denouncing. 'Spirits' are 'superstitious, well, his adversaries had found superstition in his own experiments and beliefs.

"Was he worse than usual this time, Saunderson?" she turned again to the man; at which fresh proof of her want of knowledge Mahony mentally raised his eyebrows. "To say trewth, I never see'd the boss so bad before," answered Saunderson solemnly, grating the palms of the big red hands that hung down between his knees. "And I've helped him through the jumps more'n once.

Perhaps you and me being cronies for thirty year, and he your very son, may have helped to the more effectual working; but be that as it may, I couldn't master my dinner afterwards, and that's the trewth. Ah, he's a man, Uncle; and there's no denying we wanted one of that sort to awaken us to a fit sense. What a dido he do kick up, to be sure!"

"Be calm, my dear child," said a stout, self-possessed woman who sat by her side, and held a bottle of salts conspicuously in her hand. "Remember, you have only to tell the trewth, and let the consekences fall where they may. Tell the trewth, as the old sayin' is, and shame the de you know who." Mrs. Crull for she it was checked herself with a neat cough.

That's just like you peelers, you're all the same! What do you know about me? Nuffink! This gen'leman ain't got no call to believe me, not as I knows on, it's all the same to me if 'e do or don't, but it's trewth what I'm sayin', all the same. At this point the Inspector re-appeared at the pigeon-hole. He cut short the flow of eloquence.

Her present concern was to get away as far from the money as possible. "'Ow much can I 'ave?" cried Miss Ewer, who was on her knees greedily picking up the coins. "All." "All? Gawd's trewth!" "Every bit. Only let me go; at once." "'Ere, if you're so generous, ain't you got no more?" said Miss Ewer, the while her eyes shone greedily.

Will you kindly remember that I know nothing whatever of the Earl's appearance either at Bristol or Hereford " "Gord's trewth! Didn't they tell you I telephoned, my lord?" Dale would not have spoken in that fashion were he not quite woebegone and down-hearted; and not without reason, for the Earl had dismissed him with contumely not once but a dozen times.

But no one noticed her, and the seer went on. "If a true heart longs for another, there is no rest but in knowledge, there is no knowledge but in trewth, there is no trewth but in trust. Oh, my brother, if you love a female, tell your love. Oh, my sister, if you love hum if you love hum an individual of the opposite sex oh, tell your love!

How stiff my face felt with its bandages; and if I cried they would all come off! "At Swindon I had to change. I got out and sat in the vast eating- room, with its atmosphere of soup and gas. A crowd of people were talking of a hunting accident: this was mine. Then a woman came in and put her bag down. A clergyman shook hands with her; he said some one had died. I moved away. "'World! Trewth!

It's no moral use whatever your denyin' that ev'dence. And where's the good, sir, I ask? What comes of 't? Whether it be you, or whether it be Tom Bakewell ain't all one? If I holds back, ain't it sim'lar? It's the trewth I want! And here't comes," added the farmer, as Miss Lucy ushered in the Bantam, who presented a curious figure for that rare divinity to enliven.