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She advanced as quickly as her sheath gown would permit, and took his arm; the ladies-in-waiting fell in behind her, and Prince Ganzay went ahead, crying: "My Lords, Your Venerable Highnesses, gentlemen; His Imperial Majesty!" Marris tightened her grip on his arm as they started forward. "Paul!" she hissed into his ear. "What is this silly story about Yorn Travann trying to seize the Throne?"

On Aditya, such would be unthinkable; on Aditya, everybody respects authority. Whether it's respectable or not. Count Tammsan laughed, and he realized that he must have spoken aloud. Nobody else seemed to have gotten the joke. "Well, how about the riot, now?" he asked. "Who started that?" "Colonel Handrosan made an investigation on the spot," Prince Travann said.

It was our loyal and devoted subject, Prince Travann, who crushed the conspiracy." "But But, Your Majesty !" "You aren't to be blamed for suspecting him, general. His agents were working in the very innermost councils of the conspirators. Every one of the people whom you suspected with excellent reason was actually working to defeat the plot.

These two bloc-bosses are subsidized, respectively, by the Steel and Shipbuilding Cartels and by the Reaction Products and Chemical Cartels, but actually, they are controlled by Prince Travann. They, in turn, control between them about seventy per cent of the nonworkers in Asgard." "And you think this adds up to a plot against the Throne?" "A plot to seize the Throne, Your Majesty."

Dorflay, who should have been looking crestfallen but relieved, stopped short shocking breach of Court etiquette and was staring in horror. "Your Majesty! Prince Travann did that openly and with your consent? But, Your Majesty, I am convinced that it is Prince Travann himself who is the instigator of every one of these diabolical schemes.

The officers who had come with Prince Travann consulted briefly, and then got another pickup on the screen. This must have been a regular public pickup, on the front of a tall building. It was a couple of miles farther away; the Palace was visible only as a tiny glint from the Octagon Tower, on the skyline.

They drank to each other, and then Yorn Travann said, "We had a lot of wild dreams, when we were boys; it looks as though we're starting to make some of them come true. You know, when we were in the University, the students would never have done what they did today. They didn't even do it ten years ago, when Vann Evaratt was dismissed."

By this time tomorrow, he would have a complete set of memories for each one of them. "You mean, the indiscretions were deliberate?" "Your vigilance and loyalty made it necessary for them to resort to these fantastic expedients, and your vigilance defeated them as fast as they came to your notice. Well, today, Prince Travann and I struck back.

The Minister of Fine Arts was up before he was fully seated. "Your Imperial Majesty; permit me to concur with the proposal of Count Guilfred, and to extend it further with the proposal that the Ministry of Defense, now also vacant, be likewise abolished, and its functions and personnel added to the Ministry of Security under His Highness Prince Travann." So that was it!

At first, the Prime Minister was trying to suppress a look of incredulity; then he was trying to keep from showing comprehension. "Yes, Your Majesty; at once." He frowned slightly when he saw two of the Security Guard officers salute Prince Travann instead of the emperor before going away. Then he turned and hurried toward the Octagon Tower.