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Bede's could go "trapesing about like a nursemaid," taking walks with the children. Their own mamma never thought of doing such a thing.

All they could see was the road in front of them, now clear, now filled with flying mist, and their senses were wearied of it. Might they go down the gully? No, they might not go down the gully. Who had time on a busy day like this, and Miss Bibby writing to New Zealand, to go trapesing down all those rough places with them? Couldn't they go alone? No, they could not go alone.

They thought Miss Spring charming, when they occasionally met her, but when it came to trapesing about the woods like a gipsy, quite as irresponsible as Peter Champneys himself "Birds of a feather flock together," you know. Claribel Spring was just at that time passing through a Gethsemane of her own, and she needed Peter quite as badly as he needed her. Peter was really a godsend to the girl.

The townsfolk had already, at Whitsuntide, provided themselves with what they needed for the summer, and out in the country people had other things to think about than trapesing into town with work for the artisans; the coming harvest occupied all their thoughts.

A kindly family took us in, despite our gruesome aspect and our unlikely story for what manner of folk are we, that go trapesing about in a skiff, in such weather as this, coming from nobody knows where and camping o' nights in the muddy river bottoms?

Maria being of a different physique did not display these signs of aggression exactly, but she invariably became vicious and metaphysically showed her teeth. "It's of no use your knocking there, Master Dexter. Miss Helen isn't at home, and I'm quite sure if she was that she wouldn't approve of your trapesing up out of the garden in your muddy and dirty shoes.

But this mornin' I got my worst dose. I was trapesing along distreshful an' moighty sore, in a street just away off the Strand here, when I obsarved the docthor-man that was at the Crystial Palace station a-smilin' an' beckonin' at me from a door. "'How are ye now? sez he. 'Well, sez I, 'I'm moighty sore an' sad bruised, sez I. 'Is that so? sez he.

No School Board could be more determined against the Catechism, nor against 'passons meddling wi' she; and as to assistance, 'she had been a governess this thirty year, and didn't want no one trapesing in and out of her school.

At the same moment she had remembered that to-morrow was Saturday, and that for trapesing the country and meandering around in outlandish places there was no one in town equal to Esther Coombe. "But," objected the doctor, "I hardly know Miss Coombe well enough to ask a favour of her." Mrs. Sykes opined that that didn't matter.

I suspicioned he'd go to the station wid the gurl's kit at the end av the first piece. 'Twas the kit that flusthered me, for I knew for a Capt'n to go trapesing about the impire wid the Lord knew what av a truso on his arrum was nefarious, an' wud be worse than easin' the flag, so far as the talk aftherwards wint. ''Old on, Mulvaney. Wot's truso? said Ortheris.