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"It was fortunate," said the scientist mildly, as if such a thing as drowning was an everyday occurrence. "As a matter of fact, if I hadn't succeeded in grasping a projecting stone and held on, I might have gone down. It was an er a most discomforting experience." "Well, of all things," exclaimed the red-faced man, "to go trapesing round the country collecting rocks!"

There is come lately to live in our Square, at Kensington, a grocer's widow from London Bridge, whose daughters have three gowns where I have one; and who, though they are waited on but by a man and a couple of maids, I know eat and drink a thousand times better than we do with our scraps of cold meat on our plate, and our great flaunting, trapesing, impudent, lazy lacqueys!"

Parson Morth wanted to know if he couldn't let his cottage to an invalid lady and her sister without consulting every wash-mouth in the parish. "Aw, so there's two!" said one of them, nodding her head. "But tell us, Parson dear, ef 'tes fitty for two unmated women to come trapesing down in a po'shay at dead o' night, when all modest flesh be in their bed-gowns?"

"A quarter after seven ain't night!" he expostulated. "No arguments, Custer! You sit down! I won't have you trapesing about the streets." Custer turned back from the door and resumed his seat. "Why don't they give the ward? I never heard such a fool way of ringing for a fire!" he said. They were silent, intent and listening. Now the wind was driving the sound clamorously across the town.

I've got the biggest gorby of a mon," she went on, "between Mow Cop and the Cocklow o' Leek. He's gone trapesing off, with our young Ted on his shoulders, to see yow chaps march into Leek. There's about a dozen on 'em gone, as brisk as if they were goin' to Stoke wakes. Fine fools they'll lukken when they comes whom to-nate."

I have warned Gertrude that a great many people believe him to be a suspicious character, and some know him to be such, so far as women are concerned, and yet last night Gertrude accepted his company home." "Hadn't you gone home with Delia Spaulding? Was I to come trapesing home alone?" said Gertrude by way of justification. "Now, Gert, be fair: didn't I tell you that I'd be back immediately?"

Stewart had done in a similar accident that befell Ted Stewart, and when Vickers finally made it plain to her that his was not that kind of case, she fell to berating him for the scandal he would create by "trapesing off to Europe with a singer."

"That's it that's what's got her," said Anna; "and fine and mad Miss Bibby will be with her, going worrying that book-man again. Well, I'm not going trapesing over there in this sun, but I'll make her take two doses at lunch if I have to put it down her back." And with this frightful threat Anna returned to the house. Poor Fritz nearly fell out of "Falconhurst" in his agitation.

A few even forgot their collars; but the equipage of the prefect seemed to anticipate the crowd, and the two yoked jades, trapesing in their harness, came up at a little trot in front of the peristyle of the town hall at the very moment when the National Guard and firemen deployed, beating drums and marking time. "Present!" shouted Binet. "Halt!" shouted the colonel. "Left about, march."

I may be laid up for what you care, as I daresay I shall and a pretty doctor's bill there'll be. I hope there will! It will teach you to lend your umbrellas again. I shouldn't wonder if I caught my death; yes: and that's what you lent the umbrella for. Of course! "Nice clothes I shall get too, trapesing through weather like this. My gown and bonnet will be spoilt quite. "Indeed, Mr.