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'Ah, restez tranquille, pauvre demoiselle; nous verrons toute-suite. And with a shrug, he continued his investigation of the contents of the reticule-basket. It contained a great variety of little knick-knacks, which, with much patience, the commissaire turned out and examined, one by one.

Madam de Luxembourg gave me a reprimand. The surgeon, valet de chambre of the marechal, maintained it was not the gout, and dressed the suffering part with beaume tranquille. Unfortunately the pain subsided, and when it returned the same remedy was had recourse to. The constitution of the marechal was weakened, and his disorder increased, as did his remedies in the same proportion.

Je sais mes perfides, OEnone, et ne suis point de ces femmes hardies, Qui, goûtant dans le crime une tranquille paix, Ont su se faire un front qui ne rougit jamais! How shall I describe what followed?

It cannot be very bad, if it be not money. 'Oh, my dear Mirabel, you do not know what trouble I am in. 'Mon cher Henri, soyez tranquille, said the Count, in a kind voice. 'I am your friend. Rest assured, I will arrange it. Think no more of it until to-morrow at one o'clock, and then call on me. If you like, I am at your service at present. 'No, no, not here: there are letters. 'Ha, ha!

Even on the stage they have nothing in common. They are puppets all attitude and trick; she is all ease, grace and nature." "Nature!" cried Pomander. "Laissez-moi tranquille. They have artifice nature's libel. She has art nature's counterfeit." "Her voice is truth told by music," cried the poetical lover; "theirs are jingling instruments of falsehood."

"Soyez tranquille!" Kollomietzev exclaimed, glancing up at her quickly from under the brim of his travelling cap one of his own special design with a cockade in it "C'est surtout l'autre, qu'il faut pincer!" "Go on!" Sipiagin exclaimed again. "You are not cold, Mr. Paklin? Go on!" The two carriages rolled away. For about ten minutes neither Sipiagin nor Paklin pronounced a single word.

"Then I have no doubt I shall manage both objects for that sum, if Randal Leslie really knows where the young lady is, and can assist you. Most promising, able man is Randal Leslie but innocent as a babe just born." "Ha, ha! Innocent? /Que diable!/" "Innocent as this cigar, /mon cher/, strong certainly, but smoked very easily. /Soyez tranquille!/"

If these fail you, put an advertisement in the newspapers advertise both in English and French. Go to Monsieur Choteau anywhere. Spare no expense, but get me the skin." "Restez tranquille, mon Colonel; I shall do all that." "Make ready, then, to start. There may be a steamer going up before night. Hush! I hear one this very moment. It may be a Saint Louis boat."

Rochester, proceeding from the depths of an immense easy-chair at the fireside. "And mind," he continued, "don't bother me with any details of the anatomical process, or any notice of the condition of the entrails: let your operation be conducted in silence: tiens-toi tranquille, enfant; comprends-tu?"

On another page he drew a tomb, and wrote: La mort est secourable et la mort est tranquille. Ah! contre les douleurs il n'y a pas d'autre asile. * * Death gives relief and death is peaceful. Ah! from suffering there is no other refuge. Julie said this was charming