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As I drew my chair up to the hearth I heard the waiter answering with alacrity to some recommendation of my friend's, 'Oh, monsieur peut etre tranquille, j'y veillerai. I thought it was some order about our dinner, and resumed my political studies. Was it my cold which made me dull and inattentive?

Let it not be said by future ages that we held our responsibilities lightly and were careless of facts, and to that end don't refer to me as Emperor until you are more familiar with dates. When we have finished with Italy I'll take you to the land where dates grow. Meanwhile, restez tranquille, as they say in French, and breathe all the air you want.

All the party in high Spirits, but fiew nights pass without a Dance they are helth. except the-vn. -which is common with the Indians and have been communicated to many of our party at this place- those favores bieng easy acquired. all Tranquille had the Boat Perogus & Canoes all put into the water.

"Onward! onward!" cries the voice of youth; whether it may be that the days are bright, passing in joy and tranquillity, and we can say with the greatest French poet of the present day ay, the greatest, however it may seem Beranger, "Sur une onde tranquille, Voguant soir et matin, Ma nacelle est docile Au souffle du destin. La voile s'enfie-t-elle, J'abandonne le bord.

But he lost his wife, and was unfortunate in other ways, and the end was very sad indeed. "Soyez tranquille," was the epitaph proposed at the time by some unsentimental wagforpoor Madame Soyer; it soon served for them both.

"Perceiving they were suspected," continues Sir Samuel in his narrative, "and on my questioning them again about Lord Hood, one of them replied, 'Soyez tranquille, les Anglais sont de braves gens, nous les traitons bien; l'amiral anglais est sorti il y a quelque temps." In an instant, the situation of the poor Juno became known throughout the ship.

I repeated my order in a louder and more angry tone; whereupon he turned his eyes upon me, and said, in a most contemptuous tone, "Chut, ti beque: quitte moue tranquille, ou tende sinon malheur ka rive ou."

"Until you came, you see, we couldn't leave the luggage," she went on. The blue eyes swept the line of our boxes as if the lad had taken his afternoon stroll with no other purpose than to guard them. "There are eight, and two umbrellas. Soyez tranquille, je vous attendrai." It was the voice and accent of a man of the world, four feet high a pocket edition, so to speak, in shabby binding.

But at all events they are sure of losing nothing. That is what gives the marquis that blagueur, Père Tranquille air, as he looks you in the face with both hands in his pockets, as much as to say: "Well, what then? What can you do to me?"

Here Lemercier rejoined them, and shook hands with Graham Vane, who, taking him aside, said, "But you promised to go to the Bois, and indulge my insane curiosity about the lady in the pearl-coloured robe?" "I have not forgotten; it is not half-past two yet; you said three. 'Soyez tranquille; I drive thither from the Bourse with Rochebriant."