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"The daughter of a wine-seller called Tomaso Torti?" "Do the noble dames of the city take such heed of their inferiors! This will charm my cousin, for she has great desires to be noted by the great." "And does thy cousin come hither?" "Rarely, lady we are not of much intimacy. I suppose Annina finds a girl, simple and uninstructed as I, unworthy of her company.

A touch aroused him, and a sign gave him to understand that the imaginary Roderigo stood before him. "A thousand pardons, Signore," said the gaping mariner; "is the freight come?" "In part only. I have brought thee a certain Annina Torti, the daughter of old Tommaso Torti, a wine-seller of the Lido." "Santa Madre! does the Senate think it necessary to send one like her from the city in secret?"

"Florence is the place for Fra Palamone," I said to Virginia with bitter foreboding, "rather than for you and me. It is horrible to think of Aurelia, with her dutiful regard for the saintly calling, bending her knees to these arrogant rascals." "'Bacchetoni e colli torti, Tutti il diavol se li porti!" said Virginia with scornful nostrils.

Edward Everett, in his after-dinner speech, quoted these lines from the AEneid, giving a liberal English version of them, which he applied to the Oration just delivered by Mr. Emerson: Tres imbris torti radios, tres nubis aquosae Addiderant, rutili tres ignis, et alitis Austri. His nephew, the ingenious, inventive, and inexhaustible.

Sometimes, as in the episode of Ugolino, it even rises to something like the grandeur of the original: "When he had said this, with his eyes distorted, The wretched skull resumed he with his teeth, Which, as a dog's, upon the bone were strong." "Quand' ebbe detto cio, eon gli occhi torti Riprese il teschio misero coi denti, Che furo all' osso, come d'un can, forti." Inferno, XXXIII. 76.

Edward Everett, in his after-dinner speech, quoted these lines from the AEneid, giving a liberal English version of them, which he applied to the Oration just delivered by Mr. Emerson: Tres imbris torti radios, tres nubis aquosae Addiderant, rutili tres ignis, et alitis Austri. His nephew, the ingenious, inventive, and inexhaustible.

When the answer, yes, prompted partly by inclination and partly by compulsion, is returned, the Signory immediately retires into the palace. It is well known how hostile Savonarola was to an institution which had lent itself so easily to despotism. This couplet he inscribed on the walls of the Council Chamber, in 1495: 'E sappi che chi vuol parlamento Vuol torti dalle mani il reggimento.

Often, when he had attained a summit, he would find himself thrust down into a deeper valley. He has mounted to triumphs and fallen to humiliations, but his spirit has never been quelled, and if each acclivity he scales is steeper, the air atop has grown purer, more stimulating, and the landscape spreads wider before him. He can say with Dante: "La montagna che drizza voi che il mondo fece torti."