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So he drove her every day, and beat her, and beat her, till he was tired, but still Topsy would run away. Then papa said he would not have the poor pony whipped so much, and he took her out a piece of bread every day, and he petted her and now Topsy is very gentle, and never runs away." "Tell about Tiger," said the girl. "Well, Cousin Eleanor," said the child, "you know Tiger, our big dog.

"Poh! let the child alone," said St. Clare. "Topsy will do her good." "But so depraved a child, are you not afraid she will teach her some mischief?" "She can't teach her mischief; she might teach it to some children, but evil rolls off Eva's mind like dew off a cabbage-leaf, not a drop sinks in." "Don't be too sure," said Miss Ophelia. "I know I'd never let a child of mine play with Topsy."

"You must go out," said Rosa, in a sharp, positive whisper; "you haven't any business here!" "O, do let me! I brought a flower, such a pretty one!" said Topsy, holding up a half-blown tea rose-bud. "Do let me put just one there." "Get along!" said Rosa, more decidedly. "Let her stay!" said St. Clare, suddenly stamping his foot. "She shall come."

Cordelia Howard as "Little Eva," with her mother as the inimitable "Topsy," were highly successful in London and other large cities, while General Tom Thumb, returning after so long an absence, drew crowded houses wherever he went.

Brocklehurst agreed, "we are living in such extraordinary times, everything topsy turvy. I ought to have realized it was stupid of me I know several factory girls in New York, I've been to their meetings, I've had them at my house shirtwaist strikers." She assumed again the willowy, a position, her fingers clasped across her knee, her eyes supplicatingly raised to Janet.

All the fine, large Jacqueminots in the "Jack"-house were raised from one parent plant with cuttings made about four years or so before, the gardener told me, while I, gazing in amazement at their high-reaching branches, thought, with "Topsy," it was something to boast of that they had "jest growed."

There can't nobody love niggers, and niggers can't do nothin'. I don't care, and Topsy began whistling to show that she didn't. 'Oh, Topsy! I love you, said Eva, laying her little, thin hand on Topsy's shoulder. 'I love you, because you haven't had any mother, or father, or friends; because you have been a poor, ill-used child. I love you, and I want you to be good.

Considering the customary means a black adopts to correct the indiscretions of his spouse, Paddy's offence was judged far too trivial for punishment. Topsy, too, was quite vain that Paddy had chastised her with all dignity and indulgence of a white man.

The movies has queered the Topsy business. Absolutely! I seen it comin' just in time, and I've been layin' low until I could find something to beat it. Say, I've got it too. Not for this territory. I'll give the film people two years more to kill themselves in the North, with the rot they're puttin' out. But in the South they ain't got such a hold, and the folks are different.

He half-lifted his head, but it fell back. Then his eyes opened, and did not close. His last thought was of his Mauser, and he pressed it against his chest with his folded, fingerless hands. Hawaii is a queer place. Everything socially is what I may call topsy- turvy. Not but what things are correct. They are almost too much so. But still things are sort of upside down.