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The shake brought the glove on to the floor, from the other sleeve. "There, you!" said Miss Ophelia, "will you tell me now, you didn't steal the ribbon?" Topsy now confessed to the gloves, but still persisted in denying the ribbon. "Now, Topsy," said Miss Ophelia, "if you'll confess all about it, I won't whip you this time."

The year before I came the first boat did not reach St. Antoine till the 28th of June. More excitement has just been communicated to me by Topsy: much more. A man from the Baie des Français has killed a huge polar bear. It took ten men and six dogs to haul the beast home after he had been finally dispatched. The man fired several shots at him, but did not hit a vital spot.

Yes, in that moment a ray of real belief, a ray of heavenly love, had penetrated the darkness of her heathen soul. She laid her head down between her knees, and wept and sobbed; while the beautiful child, bending over her, looked like the picture of some bright angel stooping to reclaim a sinner. "Poor Topsy!" said Eva, "don't you know that Jesus loves all alike?

"I only wanted to see if you'd cut me, Wallie. Topsy bet me two to ten you wouldn't." "Why on earth should I?" "Oh, on earth I know you wouldn't. But didn't I hear just now you'd married and gone to heaven?" "Gone to ?" "Sh sh sh I'm sure she doesn't let you use those naughty words. You needn't say you're not in heaven, for I can see you are. You didn't expect to meet me there, did you?"

Behold, then, Topsy, washed and shorn of all the little braided tails wherein her heart had delighted, arrayed in a clean gown, with well-starched apron, standing reverently before Miss Ophelia, with an expression of solemnity well befitting a funeral. "Now, Topsy, I'm going to show you just how my bed is to be made. I am very particular about my bed. You must learn exactly how to do it."

Topsy rubbed this piece of paper on her black, shiny cheek as hard as she could rub it. Then she held it out to the China Cat. The paper was as white as before. "See!" cried Topsy. "Mah black won't rub off! Now can't I play tag wif yo' all?" "Oh, yes, let her; do!" begged the Talking Doll. "She's so cute!" "Of course she may play if she will not smut me," said the China Cat.

"Mamma, I think Topsy is different from what she used to be; she's trying to be a good girl." "She'll have to try a good while before she gets to be good," said Marie, with a careless laugh. "Well, you know, mamma, poor Topsy! everything has always been against her." "Not since she's been here, I'm sure.

I have heard that an Uncle Tom manager on a Western circuit, most of whose company deserted him because the 'ghost' never walked, succeeded in cutting and rewriting the piece so as to double 'George Harris' and 'Legree, Marks' and 'Topsy, 'Uncle Tom' and 'Little Eva. As for the rest he had it so arranged that he could himself 'get off the door' in time to 'do, with the aid of the dogs, all the other characters.

At last he burst forth, 'Subordination is sadly broken down in this age. No man, now, has the same authority which his father had, except a gaoler. BOSWELL. 'That is to say, things have been turned topsy turvey. But your serious cause. JOHNSON. 'Why, Sir, there are many causes, the chief of which is, I think, the great increase of money.

Suppose, however, that one should say: The English language is an archaic affair; it has grown like Topsy, by chance; it has carried along with it the forms of thinking of outgrown generations; it is not scientific; what we need is a new language built to order to meet our wants.