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"I'll BACK 'em up all right," said Charlie, with extremely bitter emphasis on 'back. "If the gentleman likes to come Toosday week " "Rot!" chopped in Hoopdriver. "Now." "'Ear, 'ear," said the owner of the chins. "Never put off till to-morrow, Charlie, what you can do to-day," said the man in the velveteen coat. "You got to do it, Charlie," said the man in gaiters. "It's no good."

I could hold him on the flat at my best, but over jumps he's my master. Well, it's an open secret that when he's out of trainin' he drinks hard strikin' an average, he calls it. He got delirium on Toosday, and has been ragin' like a devil ever since. His room is above this.

Trapper he was; old like, with a red shirt. One of his horses come into the round-up Toosday. Man ain't been heard from." He ate in silence for a while, evidently brooding in his childlike mind. Then he said, querulously, "I'd sooner trust one of them Indians than I would Trampas." The guest ate a grape, and perceiving he was seen through, smiled back rather miserably.

Surely you wouldn't like that?" Albert's eyes glowed softly, as might an acolyte's at the sight of the censer. "Mr. Widgeon down at the 'ome farm," he murmured reverently, "he says, if I'm a good boy, 'e'll let me watch 'im kill a pig Toosday." He gazed out over the water-lilies, his thoughts far away. Maud shuddered. She wondered if medieval pages were ever quite as earthy as this.

That's my boat over there the 'Hoppergrass' an' I come into Bailey's with her last Toosday afternoon, an' this feller was with me, an' the three boys you arrested. An' what they told you was true, they thought they was in his uncle's house, an' anybody would have knowed it, but a puddin'-headed son of a sea-cook, like you!" "Mr. Flanders! Mr.

"No, sir," answered Bude. "He's gone off to town, too! And he don't expect to be back before the inquest. That's for Toosday!" "But isn't there another key anywhere?" persisted the boy. "No, sir," said Bude positively, "there isn't but the one. And that's in Mr. Manderton's vest pocket!" Young Wright wrinkled his brow in perplexity.

Hume gave him two sovereigns, and the runner could not have been more taken aback had the donor "landed him" on the sound jaw. "And now, you," said Brett to the cabman. "What did you see?" "Me!" with a snort of indignation. "Little over an hour ago I sawr a smawt keb an' a tidy little nag wot I gev thirty quid fer at Ward's in the Edgware Road a fortnight larst Toosday. And wot do I see now?

O dear! O dear! that ever I should be spoke to like this here, and my master out o' work a month come Toosday, and this here gentleman standing by! But I'll set my mark on ye, if I get six months for it I will!"

Lor bless you, she'd sit down and sing to you, and gaze at you, until she warbled your soul out of your body a'most. She asked me to go to her evening parties every Toosday; and didn't I take opera-boxes and give her dinners at the restauranteur's, that's all? But I had a run of luck at the tables, and it was not in the dinners and opera-boxes that poor Clavering's money went.

Though I could learn nothing definite, I fell into conversation with one of them, a young Irishman, who was interested because of my connection with the mystery. "No, sir," he said, "I can't tell you anythin' about a stray transfer. But one thing I can tell you. That 'ere murder was committed of a Toosday night, wasn't it?" "Yes," I returned. "Well, that 'ere parlyvoo vally of Mr.