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She had always wanted a kitten, but Aunt Frances and Aunt Harriet and Grace had always been sure that cats brought diphtheria and tonsilitis and all sorts of dreadful diseases to delicate little girls.

"But you know you cannot get that fine savoir vivre before." "Oh dear me, how much more savoir vivre I'll have when I'm eighty. What an old charmer I'll be then! Will you come to see me when I'm eighty, Tommy?" "What a question!" "Well, I hope you won't take me off on any old wishing carpet and put me down in a damp, horrid place and give me tonsilitis." "Who has tonsilitis?"

That lady was sitting up in bed with a stocking tied round her throat she was suffering from a slight attack of tonsilitis and the Irish Times spread on her knees. "Mrs. Hennessey," said Phyl, "I have just had a letter from my cousins in America, and they want me to go out to them." "Want you to go to America!" said Mrs. Hennessey. "On a visit, I suppose?" "No, to stay there."

She had had nothing to eat since breakfast, and yet was too tired to prepare supper. She made her a cup of tea which she drank standing, and then crept into bed only to lie staring into the darkness tortured by the thought of those heavy weights on Bowinski's injured leg. The result of her weariness and exposure was a sharp attack of tonsilitis that kept her in bed several weeks.

In this way one may catch pneumonia, consumption, influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough, tonsilitis, spinal meningitis, measles, and certain other diseases. Dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhea, and intestinal worms may be caught in this manner, Malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, and bubonic plague may be caught in this way.

When she went away with Baxter and the bath-chair, I fell across a major of the Indian army with gout in his glassy eyes, and a stomach which he had taken all round the Continent. He laid everything before me; and him I escaped only to be confided in by a matron with a tendency to follicular tonsilitis and eczema.

The proud parent grinned, then looked troubled. "Why, he ain't real fust-rate," he said. "Seems to be some under the weather. Got a cold and kind of sore throat. Dr. Parker says he cal'lates it's a touch of tonsilitis. There's consider'ble fever, too. I was hopin' the doctor'd come again to-day, but he's gone away on a fishin' cruise. Won't be home till late to-morrer.

Bracken's dishes until she gets another girl, so I can earn money to pay for George Washington's board." "George Washington's board?" echoed the fat lady. "Come here, Mina," she called over her shoulder, "and listen to this child. Who's George Washington?" She was frankly curious and so was the maid, who had joined her. "He's my cat. I've had him ever since I had tonsilitis.

Deacon Sprong decided that Uncle Peter had the galloping asthma with compressed tonsilitis, and a touch of chillblainous croup on the side, aggravated by asparagus on the chest.

"Don't you think it might be nice for me to send Nancy some?" asked Tom, laughing. Tonsilitis was seldom fatal, after all; and what an excellent excuse to visit her it would be when she was getting better! "Tommy, dear, haven't you something to tell me?" "No, not really." "Not anything?" "Well, hardly anything."