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It did not take our drowsiness another moment to get completely cured. My First Outing Once, when the dengue fever was raging in Calcutta, some portion of our extensive family had to take shelter in Chhatu Babu's river-side villa. We were among them. This was my first outing. The bank of the Ganges welcomed me into its lap like a friend of a former birth.

The frying of eggs in the sun on a sheet of corrugated zinc, so intense was the heat. The terror of snakes, centipedes, scorpions. The plagues of flies and white ants. Then how, during the servantless period, in utter loneliness and Colin's enforced absence at the furthest out-station she had had an attack of dengue fever, and no woman within forty miles of her. 'And your husband allowed this?

She needed the nourishment and stimulant, and after them felt better. 'I remember.... I must have been ill. What was the matter with me? 'Dengue, he answered shortly. 'I was out in the rain.... I got a chill I remember. 'Oh, you were out in the rain!... I should have thought you could have done what you wanted without that. The bitterness of his tone was gall-like. And again the ironic laugh.

It wasn't at all a healthy life, you can understand, no healthier physically than morally. After a while I heard that he was looking bad, yellow as a lemon, and the dengue cracking at his bones. I began to think of going to him after all, of jerking him out of his rut by force, if necessary, making him respect the traditions of his race.

In this way one may catch pneumonia, consumption, influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough, tonsilitis, spinal meningitis, measles, and certain other diseases. Dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhea, and intestinal worms may be caught in this manner, Malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, and bubonic plague may be caught in this way.

They "like" their mates, but do not love them, and their watery babes grow up and become Baptists. Their affections are to the real article what dengue is to yellow fever. Temperance is a good thing in its way; but the man who is temperate in love is not to be trusted. The true man or woman can no more love moderately than a powder magazine can explode on the installment plan.

Recent observations, however, have shown that it is probably caused by a certain Protozoan parasite that is found in the blood of dengue patients and several experiments have been conducted by Dr. Graham which seem to indicate that it is transmitted by mosquitoes. In these experiments, Culex fatigans, a common tropical or subtropical mosquito, was used.

"Just a little touch of the dengue. He's been drinking stagnant water, out of cow tracks, for the last few months, and that gets into the bones of the best of us. I'm not feeling very well myself." Dell lifted the wagon-sheet and peered inside. "Let's get the poor fellow into the tent," urged the boy. "Can he walk, or can you and I carry him?"

'Listen here you.... McKeith's face and attitude were menacing. 'I came back to find her ladyship down with dengue as bad as could be. It was on her that night, and if she had to be carried to her room in a fit of shaking, what business is that of yours? Understand me, Harris.

"He's the long size Texan, and we'd better try and trail him in," answered Straw, alighting from the wagon. "Where's Dr. Joel Wells?" "Riding the dead-line. He'll be in shortly. I'll fix a cot, and we'll bring the sick man in at once." It was simple malaria, known in the Southwest as dengue fever.