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I wouldn't have 'it you if I'd known. It's like fighting sacks. 'Tisn' right. Y'r arms seemed 'ung on 'ooks. Reg'lar 'ung on 'ooks. There!" Denton stared, and then surprised and hurt his battered chin by a sudden laugh. Bitter tears came into his eyes. "Go on," he said. The swart man reverted to his formula.

By all accounts 'tisn' so easy to get in an' 'tis a sight harder to get out." "I've got to get in," urged Tilda desperately. "I've a message for someone inside. His name's Arthur Miles Chandon." The young coalheaver shook his head. "I don't know 'im," he said. "I'm new to this job, an' they don't talk to me through the coal-'ole.

'Tisn' her fault, you understand: aboard a bombship everything's got to be heavy timbers, scantling, everything about her to stand the concussion. What with this an' her mortars, she sits pretty low; but to make up for it, what with all this dead weight, and bein' short-sparred, she can carry all sail in a breeze that would surprise you.

"How was I to know that man of mine had been fool enough to fill the kettle before tramping off to the 'Ring of Bells'?" the good woman broke in. "Lord knows 'tisn' his way to be thoughtful, and when he tries it there's always a breakage.

"'It seems to me that you men in the Cove treat the whole affair very lightly. "'Iss, tha's of it, he assented. 'Mind you, tisn' right, Seemin' to me 'tis a terrible thought. Here you be, for the sake of argument, a Christian man, and in beauty next door to the angels, and the only use you make of it is to steal groceries. You don't think I'm putting it too strong? " Not a bit.

Look at me, and answer I don't count for much now, do I? Not much to hate in me, now you know the name of my child's father, and that 'tisn' Taffy Raymond!" "Let me go." But seeing that Lizzie would not, she stopped and kissed her boy. "Run out to the carriage, dear, and say I'll be coming in a minute or two." Little George clung to her wistfully, but her tone meant obedience.

"Tisn' for me to judge," said Nandy; "but they sit about the garden in their nightshirts, with a footman carryin' round the drinks." Well, sir, half an hour later Dr.

"Is the world come to its end, then, that Billy Bosistow keeps open shop on a Sunday mornin'?" "'Tisn' like that at all. . . . You see, Sam's a far-seein' man, or I've tried to make him so. I reckon there's no man in Polpier'll turn out in a kit smellin' stronger of camphor, against the moth. "'Tis terrible sudden, all this," said Nicky-Nan, ruminating. "'Tis worse than sudden.

You comes upon me suddent, and what do you catch me doin'? You catches me," here his voice became impressive "you catches me lookin' up at the sky. And why am I lookin' up at the sky? It is to say to you, 'Nicholas Nanjivell, the wind is sot in the sou'-west?" "Not if you expect me to believe 'ee. 'Tisn' a point off north-an-by-west."

"What is it?" "Flag o' truce!" bawled Malachi in answer. "Master's compliments, and if you've done for the day he wants to know if you've such a thing as a surgeon." "Pretty job for us if we hadn't," growled the Sheriff. "I keep no surgeons for lawbreakers. How many wounded have you?" "Ne'er a man amongst us, 'cept poor Jack Trevarthen, and he's dead. 'Tisn' for a man, 'tis for a woman.