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As I've tried to explain, I was disgusted rather: I loathed the man, and and well, this is not the history of Sally Breward, so once more we'll get back to Miles Chandon. . . . He rode off; but he didn't ride back to Sidmouth. In his rage he did a thing that, I now see, was far baser than his original folly.

Maybe you read of it in the papers?" Tears by this time filled the child's eyes. She was casting about to invent a last dying speech for her mother, when Doctor Glasson interrupted. "If your aunt wishes to place you here, it might perhaps be managed, for a consideration. Just now we have no room for-er non-paying children. But you began by asking for Arthur Miles." "Surname Chandon."

So all three climbed into the motor, and were whirled across the moor, and down the steep descent into Clatworthy village, and by Clatworthy pier a launch lay ready for them with a full head of steam. During the passage few words were said; and indeed the eager throb of the launch's engine discouraged conversation. Chandon steered, with his eyes fixed on the Island.

After that I left Paris on the 2nd of February in a more cheerful frame of mind, and on my homeward journey went to look up my old friend Kietz in Epernay, where M. Paul Chandon, who had known Kietz since boyhood, had interested himself in the ruined painter by taking him into his house, and giving him a number of commissions for portraits.

I recall a lot more of little things about her, though the rest of what happened is rather dreamy. "I asked for Merridy, and she told me she'd gone away gone with Bennett, the night before, while I was coughing blood from the powder smoke; that they were married in the front room, and that the bride looked beautiful. She had cried a bit on leaving Chandon, and and that was about all.

I have heard . . . Well, to get back to Miles Chandon. . . . He was young a second son, you'll remember, and poor at that; a second lieutenant in the Navy, with no more than his pay and a trifling allowance. The boy had good instincts," said Miss Sally with a short, abrupt laugh. "I may as well say at once that he wanted to marry me, but had been forced to dismiss the notion."

She was about your age at the time nineteen." "Oh, I'm not eighteen yet," said Necia. "Well, she was a fine woman, anyhow, the best that ever set foot in Chandon, and there was a great deal of talk when she chose young Bennett over the Gaylord man, for Bennett had been running second best from the start, and everybody thought it was settled between her and the other one.

When at length he spoke, it was in a changed tone, at once careless and more affectionate. "See anything of Chandon in these days?" "Nothing at all; or to put the same thing differently just so much of him as his tenants see. We were talking of tenantry. Miles Chandon leaves everything to his steward.

To begin with, it was exceedingly short, and well done. The table was decorated with that flower which some people call Johnny jump-up, and some heartsease, and of which all that I can state positively is that it is the great-grandmother of the pansy family. We had some tag-ends of Moet and Chandon '84 to drink and a bottle of the old Chartreuse.

I think it must be a lady, a lady, I think it must be a genuwine lady, She carries her head so high." In the moonlit garden of the Casino at Monte Carlo Miles Chandon smoked a cigar pensively, leaning against the low wall that overlooks the pigeon-shooters' enclosure, the railway station and the foreshore. He was alone, as always.