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"Don't worry me, child. We'll talk about it tomorrow." "How much? You've no right to hide things from me. You hurt me." "Eleven dollars and eighty cents when this bill for supper's paid and the waitress tipped." "I'll try for a place in a store," said she. "Don't talk that way or think that way," cried he angrily. "There's where so many people fail in life. They don't stick to their game.

That gong was for the first table, and I'm not in the least hungry. Nevertheless, we will eat, here and now." She demurred, but he would have his way, demanding it in celebration of their meeting. He found the deck steward, tipped him, and exacted the immediate production of two dinners.

Later still, when the elders had left the lovers to each other, Bart found himself reclining on the sofa, with his head in Julia's lap. And those little rosy tipped fingers toyed caressingly with that coveted moustache, and were kissed for it, and went and did it again, and so on; and then tenderly with the long light brown wavy curls.

I had to canoe up three hundred miles of a shallow river, with one Indian guide, making a portage every ten miles or so, and we got tipped over in the rapids now and then the Big Chief almost got drowned once and we camped at night in the original place where they invented mosquitoes and one morning I shot a black bear just in time to keep him from eating my boots."

I'll remember him handsomely at Christmas, and see that I do not forget this, Andrew. What is his name?" "Let me think." Mr. Daney bent his head, tipped back his hat and massaged his brow before replying. "I think that when he worked for the Tyee Lumber Company he was known as Donald McKaye." He looked up. The old Laird's face was ashen. "Thank you, Andrew," he managed to murmur presently.

What she said was: "I don't agree with you at all." "I don't expect you to," he answered, and making an ironical bow turned on his heel and swung off. The next morning, in the pallor of the dawn, they started, rolling out into a gray country with the keen-edged cold of early day in the air, and Laramie Peak, gold tipped, before them.

"Even if she's forgotten all about her dinner, it can't be good for her to go so long without eating. Don't you want to come with me, Amy?" Amy, who seemed less concerned than any of the company, blithely accepted the invitation. "We'll probably find her with a great armful of ferns and her hat tipped over one ear, and she'll be perfectly astonished to know that it's after twelve o'clock.

The brighter stars shone out dimly through a hazy sky; gleams of phosphorescence tipped the crests of the waves and sparkled with an almost angry brilliance as the bow of the Suwarna tossed them aside. O'Keefe pulled contentedly at a cigarette. The glowing spark lighted the keen, boyish face and the blue eyes, now black and brooding under the spell of the tropic night.

We might as well talk here." Bender tipped his hat to him and moved away, leaving us to ourselves "What is it?" I repeated, with studied indifference "Well, I should like to have a plain, frank talk with you, Levinsky," he answered. "There is something that is bothering my mind. I never thought I should speak to you about it, but at last I decided to see you and have it out.

Opposite, across the King's Road, the mastheads of the fishing boats on the beach just rise above the rails of the cliff, tipped with fluttering pennants, or fish-shaped vanes changing to the wind.