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Then he heard the rolling of drums and the mellow call of trumpets in front of the pass. Taking care to keep well under cover he looked back. The Union army was advancing in great force now, its front tipped with a long line of bayonets and the mouths of fifty cannon turned to the pass. In front of them swarmed the skirmishers, eager, active fellows leaping from rock to rock and from tree to tree.

'How could I! 'You're not wanting in courage, Nesta. 'Hardly for that! 'By-and-by, then. 'Though I could not say Mr. Fenellan. 'You see; Dartrey, it must be. 'If I could! 'But the fellow is not a captain: and he is a friend, an old friend, very old friend: he'll be tipped with grey in a year or two. 'I might be bolder then. 'Imagine it now.

Richling had, in a moment of gloom, tipped the bowl a little too high, as her dear lost husband, the best man that ever walked, had often done, and had been locked up at night to be let out in the morning, why, give him a chance! Let him invent his own little fault-hiding romance and come home with it. Mary was frantic. She could not be kept in; but Mrs.

The horns are very remarkable, being suddenly dilated into a flat plate, strongly toothed round the outer margin, and strikingly resembling the horns of the elk, after which it has been named. They are of a yellowish colour, margined with brown, and tipped with black on the three upper teeth.

She went silently behind them until they reached the open door of Anna's room; then her father turned and saw her. "You here, Charlotte?" he said. "Yes, papa," replied Charlotte, turning a pitiful but altogether stanch little face up to his. He put his arm around her, drew her head against his shoulder, tipped up her face, and kissed her. "Go to bed now, darling," he whispered.

"That's nothing to you. Lie still till some one passes." For the strong sailor had tipped the officer on to the mattress. There he lay, not from want of courage, but because he did not know what to do. The sailor felt for his pipe, but he remembered that all the tobacco was smoked up; so he set the pipe down again and bit his nails.

She sat in her chair and breathed heavily, with her head tipped idiotically over one shoulder. It was not very lively for Maria during those evenings. She felt afraid to go to bed and leave the house alone except for the heavily sleeping woman, whom her father had hard work to rouse when he returned, and who staggered out of the door, when she started home, as if she were drunk.

But while nothing serious clouded my name, I had more to blush for than to pride myself upon in my career as prince of good fellows, and these men knew it, both of them, and let it weigh in the scale already tipped far off its balance by coincidences which a better man than myself would have found it embarrassing to explain.

I recall the long waves of nodding grass, that swayed in the June wind and were chasing each other, fugue-like on the broad meadows. How beautiful it was, tipped with its various hues of green, yellow, red and purple, bending and rising as each breath of wind passed over it! The crops looked well, and the table was supplied with varieties of garden produce.

There was a little brooch she had much admired, a mere toy of a thing, a tiny quiver full of arrows, studded with small diamonds and tipped with a pearl. The shop where they had noticed it was close by, and he would buy it at once. But as Malcolm hurried off on this kindly errand he little realised what the joy of that possession would be to Anna Sheldon.