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There are a good many of them in these seas at present, and they are not the fellows to abandon a fish they have once caught." "Dat is what I was tinking," observed Nub. "I don't tink any Englishman eber kill such a 'straordinary-looking fish as dis." "I have seen a good many, but never one like it," said the mate.

"He's her own poy!" cried the piper, much comforted; and his hand sought his head, and lighted gently upon it. "Put, maype," he went on, "she might not haf loved you so much if she hadn't peen tinking sometimes " He checked himself. Malcolm's questions brought no conclusion to the sentence, and a long silence followed. "Supposin' I was to turn oot a Cawmill?" said Malcolm, at length.

"`You haven't quite hit it, but you'll be much better off than if she was, he say, tinking me simple lad who no do any mischief. He den shout out to de crew on deck, and tell dem not to harm me. Just den, as I look ober de side, I catch a glimpse of de brig which we were leaving settling down, and in anoder minute de water close ober de mast-heads.

Venus, who presided over Baumgartens and funerals and nasty tinking sewers! -Venus Cloacina, O mein Gott! Come here, Master Budderfield: I must flog you for dat; I must indeed, liddle boy!" As our Philhellenic preceptor carried his archaeological purism into all Greek proper names, it was not likely that my unhappy baptismal would escape.

"Oh, young massar, you is so good to de poor nigger sometimes when I look at you, I can't help tinking you'se just some angel as has lost his wings, and a-waiting on dis airth till they grow agin." "Hush, Jeff." "Yes, massar; if you'se ready to read, I'se ready to listen."

I hope de governeur and de officir be all very well. I was tinking to go to-day to see if you want any ting. I have got some nice rum of the Jamaique for Capitaine Erskine. Will you please to try some?" While speaking, the voluble host of the Fleur de lis had risen from his seat, laid aside his pipe, and now stood with his hands thrust into the pockets of his blanket coat.

What could it mean? Natalie looked upon it in astonishment. "Where did you get this?" she asked. "My poor ole man gabe it to me, de last time I sees him, and he takes anoder like it, and say, 'Phillis, we will keep dem; dey's not quite as 'spressive as de garultypes ob missus's, but when you sees dat, you may know dat old Bingo am tinking ob you."

Well, I tells Phillis dat night what I hears, and I tells her to jus slack off a little, and put on her worst look when de man come round next day, and perhaps dey oberlook her; but 'pears like we didn't get much comfort from dat, and all night long we keeps awake, for we couldn't help tinking dat might be de last time we eber see each oder again; for we neber hear ob de good place den, where we might meet when slabe massa get trough wid us.

Upon seeing the pedlar rise, he ran forward to meet him. "Ah, Massa Tom, tank de Lord me find you safe and sound. I always keep on tinking you taken prisoner or killed eider by de French or de robbers one as bad as de oder." "I have thought the same of you, Sam, for your risk has been far greater than mine. Well, thank God, it is all right thus far.

"I should den haf looked beforehand as vel as tinking behind," said the grand-duke, as he wrapped himself sentimentally in his military cloak, to meditate on Lady Kitty's brown eyes. Meanwhile Lord Parham remained closeted in his sitting-room with his secretary. Ashe tried to gain admittance, but in vain. Lord Parham pleaded great fatigue and his letters; and asked for a Bradshaw.