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Says I, not aloud, you understand, 'Here, my lad, 's the very place you're looking for, just a-waiting for you! So I sneaks up soft and easy, it were a rare dark night, and looks in, and what do I see by the light o' them there crazy lanterns? There was one o' them heathen idols! Yes, sir, a heathen idol as handy as you please. 'Aha! says I, not aloud, you understand, sir, 'Aha!

They had been across the ferry to Newtown with a load of Christmas truck. It had been a hard pull uphill for them both, for Joe had found it necessary not a few times to get down and give old 'Liza a lift to help her over the roughest spots; and now, going home, with the twilight coming on and no other job a-waiting, he let her have her own way.

"Why, Mother!" exclaimed Elizabeth in astonishment, "I never knew you were any where nigh." "Didst thou think, my lass, that aught 'd keep thy mother away from thee when she knew? I've been here these six weeks, a-waiting to hear. I've looked for thee to be some good man's wife, and a happy woman, such a good maid as thou always wast! and now! Well, well! the will of the Lord be done!"

Well, miss, she sticks her parasole into this here, and turns it about, as if she was agoing to spread it: says she, 'I must know the de-com-po-si-tion of this 'ere, as you keeps under the noses of your young folk. Well, I seed her agoing her rounds, and the folk had told me her ways; so I did set me down to my knitting and wait for her, and when she came to me I offered her a seat; so she sat down, and says she 'This is the one clean house in the village, says she: 'you might eat your dinner off the floor, let alone the chairs and tables. 'You are very good, miss, says I. Says she, 'I wonder whether upstairs is as nice as this? 'Well, says I, 'them as keep it downstairs keeps it hup; I don't drop cleanliness on the stairs, you may be sure. 'I suppose not, says she, 'but I should like to see. That was what I was a-waiting for, you know, so I said to her, 'Curiosity do breed curiosity, says I. 'Afore you sarches this here house from top to bottom I should like to see the warrant. 'What warrant? says she.

Sawyer, said the little, fierce woman, trying to appear very calm, 'if you'll have the kindness to settle that little bill of mine I'll thank you, because I've got my rent to pay this afternoon, and my landlord's a-waiting below now. Here the little woman rubbed her hands, and looked steadily over Mr. Bob Sawyer's head, at the wall behind him.

"Then if your Merry Andrew sloop's a-waiting for you, that's the way out," said Cap'n Amazon coolly, pointing with his pipestem to the door. "Come again when you want to buy anything in Abe's stock. Good day!" Lawford halted a moment at the door to look back at the bizarre figure behind the counter, leaning on the scarred brown plank just as Cap'n Abe so often did.

"Well, Corporal, what of them?" "Sir, they're a-waiting for you!" "Are you sure, Corporal? A poor creature committed suicide to-day; I thought they were here on that account." "No, sir, that was only a blind, they're a-watching and a-waiting to take you for the Gaunt murder. My pal Jarsper knows, and my pal Jarsper sent me here to give you the office to lay low and not to venture out to-night."

She almost resolved not to see Eames on the present occasion, thinking that he might be made the more desperate by such refusal, and remembering also that Cradell was in the house and would know of it. "He's there a-waiting, Miss Mealyer. Why don't yer come down?" and Jemima plucked her young mistress by the arm. "I am coming," said Amelia. And with dignified steps she descended to the interview.

Up at the top of the slope Santa Charley stood a-waiting for 'em looking, of course, in them black clothes and a white tie on, like he was a sure-enough preacher and as the coach come along he sung out, pleasant and friendly: "Good-afternoon, Brother Hill. I missed you at the Bible Class last evening. No doubt you were detained unavoidably, and it's all right. But be sure to come next Friday.

Not a word did he speak for a long time. At length one of the onlookers, a tipsy working-man, becoming impatient, addressed him: "Ain't you going to do nothing, mister? Here I've been a-waiting with these other ladies and gentl'men more'n ten minutes, and you ain't done nothing yet, nor yet said nothing."