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Which of these adventures shall we choose? The best way will be to toss for it. I have tossed, and the lagoon has won. This almost makes one wish that the gulch or the cake or Tink's leaf had won. Of course I could do it again, and make it best out of three; however, perhaps fairest to stick to the lagoon.

He was begging Wendy to get better quickly, so that he could show her the mermaids. Of course she could not answer yet, being still in a frightful faint; but from overhead came a wailing note. "Listen to Tink," said Curly, "she is crying because the Wendy lives." Then they had to tell Peter of Tink's crime, and almost never had they seen him look so stern.

Well, listen, dere's a Christmas tree of dem presents comin' to you ef ye tries any more of dis stuff. I'm in right in dis district, don't fergit it. Ye tink's I'm going to de Island? Wipe dat off yer memory, too. W'y, say, I kin git yer buttons torn off and yer shield put in de scrap heap by de Commish if I says de woid down on Fourteenth Street, at de bailiwick."

But more distinct came the shrill voice of Tinker Bell. The jealous fairy had now cast off all disguise of friendship, and was darting at her victim from every direction, pinching savagely each time she touched. 'Hullo, Tink, cried the wondering boys. Tink's reply rang out: 'Peter wants you to shoot the Wendy. It was not in their nature to question when Peter ordered.

Which of these adventures shall we choose? The best way will be to toss for it. I have tossed, and the lagoon has won. This almost makes one wish that the gulch or the cake or Tink's leaf had won. Of course I could do it again, and make it best out of three; however, perhaps fairest to stick to the lagoon.

But more distinct came the shrill voice of Tinker Bell. The jealous fairy had now cast off all disguise of friendship, and was darting at her victim from every direction, pinching savagely each time she touched. "Hullo, Tink," cried the wondering boys. Tink's reply rang out: "Peter wants you to shoot the Wendy." It was not in their nature to question when Peter ordered.

He was begging Wendy to get better quickly, so that he could show her the mermaids. Of course she could not answer yet, being still in a frightful faint; but from overhead came a wailing note. 'Listen to Tink, said Curly, 'she is crying because the Wendy lives. Then they had to tell Peter of Tink's crime, and almost never had they seen him look so stern.

'O the lovely! she cried, though Tink's face was still distorted with passion. 'Tink, said Peter amiably, 'this lady says she wishes you were her fairy. Tinker Bell answered insolently. 'What does she say, Peter? He had to translate. 'She is not very polite. She says you are a great ugly girl, and that she is my fairy. He tried to argue with Tink.

"O the lovely!" she cried, though Tink's face was still distorted with passion. "Tink," said Peter amiably, "this lady says she wishes you were her fairy." Tinker Bell answered insolently. "What does she say, Peter?" He had to translate. "She is not very polite. He tried to argue with Tink. "You know you can't be my fairy, Tink, because I am an gentleman and you are a lady."

So w'en I hear dat I tink's to myself, `oh! you British hipperkrit, you's not so clebber as you t'inks, for Ebony's got to wind'ard ob you, an' wid dat I slips out ob do back winder an' run to you's cottage, an' ask if you'd like to have a ride on my back as usual, an' you say yis, an' now you's here, an' I dessay de cappin's lookin' for you."