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Them violets are just too awful wild. Dangerous. Yeah. Catch yore death." "You idjit! You plumb fool! Can't you let well enough alone? Ain't you satisfied till yo're ticklin' the mule's hind leg? If yo're crowded, hop to it. Make 'em hard to find. But why go a-huntin' trouble? Whatsa sense? What " "Always get the jump on trouble, Swing. Always.

Make him quit, Cora; he's been ticklin' me something awful with that little old feather duster he brought along. Whatta you think this is Coney Island? E-e-e-e-e-e!" There ensued a scramble down the length of the room, Miss Cobb with her thin, bare little arms flung up over her head, Miss Kinealy tugging and then riding in high buffoonery over the bare floor, firmly secured to Mr.

Dead wood was lying everywhere and it burned rapidly. Then, quickly broiling the fish on sharpened ends of twigs and laying them on green leaves, he went back and awakened the four, who opened their eyes and sat up at the same time. "What's the smell that's ticklin' my nose?" exclaimed Long Jim. "Fish," replied Silent Tom gruffly. "Breakfast's ready! Come on!"

What mischief he must brood there; bringing actions of slander against the foolish parrot-fish that will let their tongues run, ticklin' the grupers, and while they are smirking and smiling, devour their food, and prosecute the fallen angels for violating the Maine law and disturbing the peace.

The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was proclaimin' my prosperity with soundin' brass and ticklin' symbols. I was tuned up to G and singin' quartettes with the bartender opery buffet, so to speak when in Mike walked. It was a bright morning out-side and I didn't reco'nize him at first against the sunlight.

On the whole he thought that prog had a compound meaning it was a combination of poke and pull "wid a flavour ob ticklin' about it," and was rather pleasant. "You see," he continued, "when a leetle fish plays wid your hook, it progs your intellec' an' tickles up your fancy a leetle. When he grabs you, dat progs your hopes a good deal. When a big fish do de same, dat progs you deeper.

"M' caugh wouldn't let me sleep last night. A goldum leetle, nasty, ticklin' caugh, too; but it kept me awake, fact was, an' well, m' wife, she said I hadn't better come. But don't you worry, sir; it won't happen again, sir; no, sir." His hands got stiffer year by year, and his simple tunes became practically a series of squeaks and squalls.

Well, he served for some time at a queer sort o' trade the makin' o' fireworks; them rediklous things they call squibs, crackers, rockets, an' Roman candles, with which the foolish folk o' the settlements blow their money into smoke for the sake o' ticklin' their fancies for a few minutes.

Them things that's ticklin' your whiskers is the conductors of that boss fixin' o' yourn. If I was you, I'd lie still until the battery runs down. 'Darn it all, said Ned, afraid to lift his lips for a shout, and coming out in cold water all over the forehead, 'it wont run down for a week clear. 'That'll answer me nicely, I replied. 'Good-bye, Mr.

Now, Missus, sposin' you and I pass a law dat all fat poultry is to be brought to me to buy, and den we keep our fat poultry locked up; and if dey steal de lean fowls, and we buy 'em, we saves de fattenin' of 'em, and gibs no more arter all dan de vally of food and tendin', which is all dey gits now, for dere fowls is always de best fed in course; and when we ab more nor we wants for you and me, den I take 'em to market and sell 'em; and if dey will steal 'em arter dat, Missus, we must try ticklin'; dere is nuffin' like it.