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Miss Royle began to uncoil. The Policeman was tick-tocking up and down. "The Den's damaged!" he lamented. "Now, who's goin' to pay?" demanded the Piper. "I'm afraid the Bear's hurt," declared the Man-Who-Makes-Faces. In her eagerness to trip Jane, Gwendolyn had utterly forgotten the Bear's Den. Now she saw it a large cage, light in color, its bars woven closely together.

As Frenchy Donahue remarked: "It's bad enough to have a banshee tick-tocking around the place; but that tidy little bunch of cylinders would have made a lot more noise if they had been exploded." But the matter was serious. The captain took the opportunity to lecture the entire ship's company regarding foolish rumors and gossip.

For sure enough! there was an ill-flavored taste on her lips a taste that made her regret having lost the candy. Next, the Policeman came tick-tocking up. "The scheme was to kidnap you," he declared wrathfully. "And keep me from finding my fath-er and moth-er," added Gwendolyn. Now she understood why Jane was so pleased with the choice of the automobile road!

She pointed a stubby finger at the piano-seat. Gwendolyn climbed up, her cheeks scarlet with wounded dignity, her breast heaving with a rancor she dared not express. "Do I have to play that old piece?" she asked. "You must," with rising inflection. "Up at Johnnie Blake's it sounded nice. 'Cause my moth-er " "Ready!" Miss Brown set the metronome to tick-tocking. Then she consulted a watch.

But fortunately there are arrangements of words capable of adjusting themselves to confusion, capable of tick-tocking in the midst of disorder. Tick, say the words and tock say the juries. Tick-tock, the cell door and the scaffold drop.

"It's the King's English," she panted. "It's the King's English," agreed the Policeman, tick-tocking in rapid tempo. She reached again to tug gently at a ragged sleeve. "Do you know him?" she asked. The round black eyes of the little old gentleman shone proudly down at her.