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At length the last was gone except the Thurstons, who offered to stay for the night. John Thurston lay down in the kitchen, and Margaret, finding Alice Mount apparently better, said she would share Rose's bed. Alice Mount's malady was what we call a bad feverish cold, and generally we do not expect it to do anything more than make the patient very uncomfortable for a week.

Thurston was not a man of the conventional type one meets and straightway forgets, and she had often thought about him; but, since the night at Crosbie Ghyll, his image had presented itself as she first saw him ragged, hungry, and grim, a worthy descendant of the wild Thurstons about whom Musker had discoursed.

And you're not going to leave me, not though Amy married a hundred Thurstons ..." Mr. Warlock's grip on his son's shoulder was iron. Martin bent down and sat on the arm of his dusty leather chair to bring himself on to the same level. He put his arm round his father and drew him close to him.

A bright fire glowed in the rusty grate, and two candles burned on the dressing-table. "It's Mrs. Forsyth's own room, and the best in the house," the old caretaker assured the girl. "Musker has been telling you about the old Thurstons. He's main proud of them, but you needn't fear them it's long since the last one walked. You have a kind heart, and nothing evil dare hurt you. See!

Forsyth's, and I take care of them, but he only belongs to the place by purchase and marriage. Those belonged to the Thurstons the old, dead Thurstons and they hunted men," he said. He ran the lamp up higher by a tarnished brass chain, and pointed first to a big moldering bow. "A Thurston drew that in France long ago, and it has splitted many an Annandale cattle thief in the Solway mosses since.

Burgess Thurston. The Thurstons had temperament, and temperament is quite often the highway to the divorce court. It was so in this case. Mrs. Thurston discovered that her husband was paying much attention to other women. She sued for divorce in New York, and he accepted service in the South, where he happened to be. At least it was so testified by Mrs. Thurston's lawyer.

Now thou shalt know the reason, which before I doe relate, afford me leave to weepe, To save thy teares, which at the hearing of it Will, like the dew on lillies, pearle thy cheekes. I have beheld thee with a Rivalls eye In Thurstons love; my penetrable heart, Like a moist cloud, has opened and receivd Loves fine bolt into it.

He was for Prince Charlie, and cut down single-handed two of King George's dragoons carrying a warrant for a friend's arrest when the Prince's cause was lost. His wife, she poisoned herself. Those are the spurs Mad Harry rode Hellfire on a wager down Crosbie Ghyll with, and broke his neck doing it, besides his young wife's heart. The women who married the Thurstons had an ill lot to grapple with.

"Bartle, wilt take a message to the Thurstons for me?" "Depends," said Bartle with a knowing nod. "What's it about? If you want to tell 'em price of flour, I don't mind." "I only want you to say one word to either of them." "Come, that's jolly! What's the word?" "Remember!" Bartle scratched his head. "Remember what? There's the rub!" "Leave that to them," said Mr Ewring.

Melhuish's face was gray in the candle-light as he heard the dislodged pebbles splash sullenly into the water, fathoms beneath. He had heard stories of the vagaries of the Thurstons of Crosbie, and it was most unpleasant to stand on the brink of eternity, in the grasp of one of them. Suddenly Geoffrey dropped his hands. "You need better nerves in your business, Melhuish," he said quietly.