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"There's more in it than I reckoned, seemingly," said he as he turned to Margaret's cell, and opened her wicket to pass in the supper. "Here's a message for you, Meg, from Master Ewring the miller. Let's see what you'll say to it `Remember!" "`Remember!" cried Margaret in a pained tone. "Don't I always remember? isn't it misery to me to remember?

"Cissy must sit betwixt us," answered the miller; "she's not quite so fat as a sack of flour. Take the little one on your knees, Dorothy; and Will shall come in front of me, and take his first lesson in driving Tim." They settled themselves accordingly, Will being highly delighted at his promotion. "Well, I reckon you are not sorry to be forth of that place?" suggested Mr Ewring.

I'll set a match to the lot of you with as much pleasure as I'd drink a pot of ale. It'll never be good world till we're rid of heretics!" "There'll be Satan left then, methinks, and maybe a few rogues and murderers to boot." "Never a one as bad as you Lutherans and Gospellers! Get you in. You'll have to wait my time to come out." "Very well," said Mr Ewring quietly, and went in.

So you are to be my children now and henceforth? only I hear, Master Ewring, you mean to share the little lad with me. That's right good. What hast thou to say, little Cicely?" "Please, Mistress Wade, I think God has taken good care of us, and I only hope He's told Father." "Dear child, thy father shall lack no telling," said Mr Ewring.

"Master Clere is well, I trust? and Mistress Clere likewise?" "They are well, I thank you." Mr Ewring noticed suddenly that Amy's eyes were full of tears. "Mistress Amy," said he, "I would not by my good-will be meddlesome in matters that concern me not, but it seemeth me all is scarce well with you. If so be that I can serve you any way, I trust you will say so much."

"Do you mind, Ursula, what the Prophet Daniel saith, that `many shall be purified and made white'? Methinks it is going on now. White, as no fuller on earth can white them! May you and I be so cleansed, friend! Good den." Ursula courtesied and escaped, and Mr Ewring passed through the gate, and went up to his desolated home.

I shall have to pinch myself to make sure I'm awake. But, Master, do you think it is sure? She haven't changed, think you?" Mr Ewring shook his head. "The Lady Elizabeth suffered with us," he said, "and she will not forsake us now. No, Dorothy, she has not changed: she is not one to change. Let us not distrust either her or the Lord. Ah, He knew what He would do!

As Mr Ewring stood looking out, he saw somebody coming up from the gate towards the mill a girl, who walked slowly, as if she felt very hot or very tired. The day was warm, but not oppressively so; and he watched her coming languidly up the road, till he saw that it was Amy Clere. What could she want at the mill? Mr Ewring waited to see. "Good den, Mistress Amy," said he, as she came nearer.

"You'll sing another tune, Master Ewring, the day you're set alight." "Methinks, friend, those you have burned sang none other. But how about a thousand years hence? Bartholomew Crane, what manner of tune wilt thou be singing then?" "Time enough to say when I've got it pricked, Master," said Bartle: but Mr Ewring saw from his uneasiness that the shot had told.

"That 'll do!" said Amy, under her breath. "I've got what I want now if He'll hearken to me. But, O Master Ewring, I'm not fit to keep fellowship with Him!" "Dear maid, you are that which the best and the worst man in the world are a sinner that needeth pardon, a sinner that can be saved only through grace. Have you the chance to get hold of a Bible, or no?" "No!