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''Tis such interference as this, I says, 'that breaks up fam'lies'; an' I come away. "'Tis a noble sport, an' I'm glad to see us Irish ar-re gettin' into it. Whin we larn it thruly, we'll teach thim colledge joods fr'm th' pie belt a thrick or two." "We have already," said Mr. Hennessy.

You don't know, Martin at laist you didn't know all along, how well, how thruly I've loved you. Good night," and Martin left the room, as Barry had done, in tears. But he had no feeling within him of which he had cause to be ashamed.

Some iv th' boys expicts to come up to Peking nex' week, an' th' people along th' line iv th' railroad are gettin' ready f'r thim. This is really all the news I have, excipt that cherries ar-re ripe. Me pin is poor, me ink is dhry, me love f'r you can niver die. Give me regards to Sicrety Hay whin he wakes up. I remain, illusthrus cousin iv th' risin' dawn, thruly ye'ers, Li.

It was almost the first time that he had fairly caught her eye, so dexterously had she always avoided his glance. "Well," said "His Majesty," "they're none the worse for that not a bit. Av all r'y'l atthributes none is so thruly majistic as the atthributes av mercy, an' makeniss, an' magnanimeetee.

"God Almighty bless them for their goodness, and you too, Martin. I cannot tell you, I niver could tell you, how I've valued your honest thrue love, for I know you have loved me honestly and thruly; but I've always been afraid to spake to you. I've sometimes thought you must despise me, I've been so wake and cowardly." "Despise you, Anty? how could I despise you, when I've always loved you?"

'Yes, says th' Englishman, 'I pro-pose f'r to thruly rayform this onhappy counthry, he says. 'This benighted haythen on me exthreme left has been injooced to cut out a good dale iv his wife's business, he says, 'an' go through life torminted be on'y wan spouse, he says. 'Th' r-rest will go to wurruk f'r me, he says.

No place can be thruly injyeable whin ye have to take ye'ersilf along an' pay rent f'r him whin ye get there. An' wan iv th' gr-reat comforts iv my kind iv a vacation is that I always knows what's goin' on at home. Whin Hogan goes on his kind iv vacation th' newspa-aper he gets was printed just afther th' third inning iv th' baseball game th' day befure yisterdah.

Hennessy demanded. "Write?" echoed Mr. Dooley. "Write? Why shud he write? D'ye think Cousin George ain't got nawthin' to do but to set down with a fountain pen, an' write: 'Dear Mack, At 8 o'clock I begun a peaceful blockade iv this town. Ye can see th' pieces ivrywhere. I hope ye're injyin' th' same gr-reat blessin'. So no more at prisint. Fr'm ye'ers thruly, George Dooley. He ain't that kind.

Prisintly, he sthrols up, his arrums full av thruck, an' he sez in a consiquinshal way, shticking out his little belly, 'Me good men, sez he, 'have ye seen the Kernel's b'roosh? 'B'roosh? says Learoyd. 'There's no b'roosh here nobbut a hekka. 'Fwhat's that? sez Thrigg. Learoyd shows him wan down the sthreet, an' he sez, 'How thruly Orientil!