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How long would it take me to get there?" The girl was evidently scared, but she looked at Madge with some of the practical sense of one versed with the difficulties of life in the wilds. "If you 'lone you never get dere. If Maigan work for you maybe three-four hour," answered the child. "Heem go a leetle way den turn back for de shack. No leave master."

You run down to the corner grocery and get some tea and a little cream. Oh, you better buy three-four cups, too. Hustle now, son!" "Attaboy! Yours to command, ladies and gents, like the fellow says!" Bill boomed delightedly. He winked at Jeff Saxton, airily spun his broken hat on his dirty forefinger, and sauntered out. "Charming fellow. A real original," crooned Mrs. Gilson.

I made frantic gestures to him to go into my pantry, and he went at last, leaving his hat on the table, I left the door and flung it after him the hat, of course, not the door and when Miss Summers sauntered in just after, I was on my knees brushing the hearth, with my heart going three-four time and skipping every sixth beat. "Hello!" she said. "Lovely weather for polar bears.

I've dealt with Samuels for three-four years." "Yes, sir; but you have never yet paid any account; and I believe I am right in saying that this opal is not the first thing coming from our house that has been pledged I can't say you did it on the other occasions." "You had better not," rejoined Algernon. He broke an unpleasant silence by asking, "What further?" "My master has sent you his bill."

Rode away less than half an hour since." "Which way?" "Rode toward Bear Cañon," said Crawford. "That's a lead for you, Bob. He's done completely worn out. So he won't go far not more than three-four miles. He'll be in the hills, under cover somewhere, for he won't forget that thousand dollars reward. So he'll be lying in the chaparral. That means he'll be above where the fire started.

"The devils have got away into the next cove through a kind of hole in the cliff a kind of archway so far as we make out. They've blocked it with stones and posted three-four men there, threatening sudden death. By their own account they're armed. Major Dilke's holding them to parley, and wants the loan of a lantern while you, sir, march your men round and take the gang in the rear.

Are you shore you got Peaches fixed for three-four days? 'Cause if you ain't pop goes the weasel." "This weasel ain't gonna pop. Not this trip. Peaches will stay put. Don't you fret. By the time he does drift in we'll know all we need to know, I guess." "We," sniffed Swing. "Did I hear you say 'we'? Ain't you taking a awful lot for granted?" "Shut up.

It is at once the symbol of war and love, a vivid pageant of martial splendor, a weaving, cadenced, voluptuous dance, the pursuit of shy, coquettish woman by the fierce warrior. The Polonaise is in three-four time, with the accent on the second beat of the bar. In simple binary form ternary if a trio is added this dance has feminine endings to all the principal cadences.

"Well, get yore trail built. Bob oughtta be out soon. I'll put him over between Cattle and San Jacinto. Three-four men can hold her here now. I'll move my outfit over to the mouth of Cattle." The cattleman spoke crisply and decisively.

She was handing them a key that would unlock the social graces. She was presenting them with a magic something that would later act as an open sesame to a hundred legitimate delights. She was strictly business, was Miss Hall. No nonsense about her. "One-two-three-four! And a one-two three-four. One-two-three-four! And a turn-two, turn-four. Now then, all together.