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"Be a good aunt," he said, "be a nish aunt, and I'll give you two more like thish!" The Italian, overcome by the sight of so much wealth, fell captive to the eloquence of Perkins. The latter was delighted. He escorted his victim to a saloon across the street and hurled six drinks into him in rapid succession. The immigrant beamed and forgot all his troubles.

Thish factor thinks h' ownsh Gordon's now. I say, not'll h' marries you. Good fellow, Richard, but infernal forward. Eh, Courtenay?" Philip turned away, while the doctor pretended to examine the silver punch-ladle. As for me, I could only stare. It was Patty who kept her head, and made us a stately curtsey. "Will you do me the kindness, gentlemen," said she, "to leave me with my brother?"

Then, above all else, Lorimer's voice met their ears, a merry, laughing voice, but strangely thick as regarded its consonants. "An' so, 's I was shayin', we wen' to Mory's, one ni', an' there was thish man " Some unaccountable impulse made him raise his eyes just then. They fell full upon Beatrix standing in the doorway, with Thayer at her side.

I know enough in the art line to tell you thish the dear man has treasursh!" he spoke with a broad Auvergne dialect. "Look here, I thought you were laughing at me the other day when my gentlemen were out and I showed you the old rubbish upstairs," said Mme. Cibot.