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"I'll shay this for you, Rex you may be soft-hearted ol' slob, you may be half-witted donkey I'm not denyin' all that 'n more, but I'll shay thish you're the bes' man to go on a drunk with in in in The'logican Sem'nary. I'm not 'xceptin' th' " "Shut up, Billy," remarked Rex, not for the first time that night. "I'd get myself pulled together a bit if I were you," he advised.

I know enough in the art line to tell you thish the dear man has treasursh!" he spoke with a broad Auvergne dialect. "Look here, I thought you were laughing at me the other day when my gentlemen were out and I showed you the old rubbish upstairs," said Mme. Cibot.

Three waiters in a group watched it with an impartial sporting interest. The English voices grew more menacing. Then suddenly the whiskered Englishman, jerking his head towards the door, said more quietly: "Hadn't we better settle thish outside?" "At your service!" said Gerald, rising. The owner of the vermilion cloak lifted her eyebrows to Chirac in fatigued disgust, but she said nothing.

He was weeping. Gettysburg waxed apologetic, as he held his glass eye in his hand. "Didn't mean to git in thish condition, Van didn't go to do it," he imparted confidentially. "Serpent that lurks in the glash." Van resumed his paternal rôle with a meed of ready forgiveness. "Let him who hath an untainted breath cast the first bottle," he said.

I'm starving. Mynheer Van Ormon, we must again trespass on your hospitality." "So you shall, mine poys, mit pleasure all around; put who told you I vas Mynheer Van Ormon?" "The same two men who told us about the giraffes. They were looking for some stray horses." "Dat mush be mine neighbour Cloots, who live fifteen miles to the east of thish place. They say they see the cameels.

Strong straightened his face into a semblance of deep gravity. "Thish next one's important," he announced, and put the end of the pencil in his mouth and meditated, while his fascinated audience watched him. He was lost in thought for perhaps two minutes, and then scribbled madly, and as he ended the little bunch of men crowded frankly to look at what he had written.

"The damned in intriguing rogue'sh worked himself into my father's grashes," he said, counting out his words. "He'sh no more Whig than me. I know'sh game, Courtenay he wants t' marry Patty. Thish place'll be hers." The effect upon me of these words, with all their hideous implication of gossip and scandal, was for an instant benumbing. The interpretation of the doctor's innuendo struck me then.

"The damned in intriguing rogue'sh worked himself into my father's grashes," he said, counting out his words. "He'sh no more Whig than me. I know'sh game, Courtenay he wants t' marry Patty. Thish place'll be hers." The effect upon me of these words, with all their hideous implication of gossip and scandal, was for an instant benumbing. The interpretation of the doctor's innuendo struck me then.

The onlooker gingerly touched the object. It rolled over, then it rolled out of the cab and lay on the sidewalk beside the driver. Perkins kept on smiling. "Your naunt," he remarked, blandly. "Couldn't get you what you wanted. Got you thish one!" At this moment, Carey remembered that he had a telephone. He spurned his "aunt" with his foot and passed into the house.

"And there's a winder there," he declared, pointing at the real window. "They're both winders and they're both lookin'-glasses, for I see us all in both of them. This place is haunted. Lem-me out!" "Take thish, then," cried Louis, shoving the bottle towards him and floundering across to the door to bar the way. "Take thish, or tell me whish ish the window."