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We could have done a number of other things; but on account of limited time, we went back home. The sail up the breezy and sparkling river was a charming experience, and would have been satisfyingly sentimental and romantic but for the interruptions of the tug's pet parrot, whose tireless comments upon the scenery and the guests were always this-worldly, and often profane.

The one sees projected on the outer world his own imaginings, now fair, now gloomy; while the other sees in the world, land to be cut up into corner-lots for speculation, and water for sawmills and cotton-mills, and to float clipper-ships and steamers. The one is this-worldly; the other is other-worldly.

There were points to Agatha, earnestness and high principle; but something morally narrow and over-Anglican slightly offended the practical, this-worldly temper of Lady Casterley. It was a weakness, and she disliked weakness. Barbara would never be squeamish over moral questions or matters such as were not really, essential to aristocracy.

And it is all as tranquil and reposeful as dreamland, and has nothing this-worldly about it nothing to hang a fret or a worry upon.

And it is all as tranquil and reposeful as dreamland, and has nothing this-worldly about it nothing to hang a fret or a worry upon.

And it is all as tranquil and reposeful as dreamland, and has nothing this-worldly about it nothing to hang a fret or a worry upon.

In the former, choosing the southern-western counties of Wiltshire and Hants as Hardy chose Wessex for his peculiar venue, he described the clerical life of his land as it had never been described before, showing the type as made up of men like unto other men, unromantic, often this-worldly and smug, yet varying the type, making room for such an idealist as Crawley as well as for sleek bishops and ecclesiastical wire-pullers.

But she did not smile often, and she had the expression of one perpetually protesting against all the agencies this-worldly or other-worldly which had the control of her existence. Her weak fretfulness depressed all the vitalities near her; only Hester resisted. At the moment, however, her look was not so much fretful as excited.