Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I went down and passed half an hour with poor Miss Tita. But she evidently had been crying, crying a great deal simply, satisfyingly, refreshingly, with a sort of primitive, retarded sense of loneliness and violence.

I had been hoping that I might see something of the famous sport, almost as English as the Church or the Turf, and there, suddenly and all unexpectedly, the sight fully and satisfyingly was.

In the mouth of the foreman the invitation took on something of the flavor of a command. Besides, since the Major's return from New York, Thomas Jefferson had a grudge against him of a purely private and personal nature. None the less, he was eager for news when his father came back, and though he got it only from overhearing the answer to his mother's question, it was satisfyingly thrilling.

She pictured it as a dramatic scene of renunciation between the lovers, both satisfyingly well-favored for Miss Asenath's beauty was a tradition and the boy in the locket was undeniably good to look upon ; and her natural inclination to romance was aided by the reading of many old-fashioned novels of unbridled sentimentality.

And away off in the deeps of the jungle and in the remotenesses of the mountains were the ruined cities and mouldering temples, mysterious relics of the pomps of a forgotten time and a vanished race and this was as it should be, also, for nothing is quite satisfyingly Oriental that lacks the somber and impressive qualities of mystery and antiquity.

I said WE would be a family. We said we would be close comrades and happy just we two. That fair dream was in my mind when Jean met me at the steamer last Monday; it was in my mind when she received me at the door last Tuesday evening. We were together; WE WERE A FAMILY! the dream had come true oh, precisely true, contentedly, true, satisfyingly true! and remained true two whole days. And now?

Elliott, too, shook his head, but his negative nod was less brisk, less hopeful. "No," he replied. "No, we've got that laid, or at least practically so. It's not anything so satisfyingly material that I wanted to talk about.

Before we can clear up how any can make use of Christ, we must speak something of their necessity of him, and of his being furnished fitly, fully, richly, and satisfyingly for their case; and this will make the way of use-making of Christ more plain. While Christ then says, "I am the Way," he points out those things to us: 1.

Sam, plowing along, head down and hands in his pockets, swung around that corner and bumped violently into Albert, who, a cigarette between his lips out here in the fields, away from civilization and Captain Zelotes, was a satisfyingly comfortable place to smoke a cigarette was dreaming dreams of a future far away from South Harniss. Sam had been thinking of Gertie. Albert had not.

That sun-bright vision of himself which so splendidly and sustainingly companioned him, which spoke in his most sonorous periods, which so completely and satisfyingly commanded the reverence of Genevieve that George Remington of his brave imaginings would not thus have answered Benjamin Doolittle.