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Rand dismounted, with a gesture bidding the boy to await him, entered the broken gate, and, walking up the path between the marigolds, knocked upon the closed door. There was a sound within as of some one rising hastily, an exclamation, and Vinie opened the door. "I knew 'twas you! I just said to myself, 'That ith Mr. Rand's knock, and it was! Wait, thir, and I'll make the room light."

I stared at him in amazement, but he was not looking at me. "Got that?" he said. "September thir Oh, I was forgetting! Add September twelfth, corner wheat. September thirteenth, marry Amelia." "Marry Amelia," I echoed, moistening my pencil. "Where do you play this what's-its-name golf?" "There are clubs all over the country. I belong to the Wissahicky Glen." "That a good place?" "Very good."

''Tis an unaisy way you're situated yourself, I'm afeard, observed the man. 'Have the goodness to say, Sir, by what meanth, if any, I can reach either bank of the river, lisped Puddock, with dignity. ''Tis thrue for you, captain, that's the chat how the divil to get you alive out o' the position you're in. Can you swim? 'No, Thir. 'An' how the dickens did you get there?

Whaur's the sense of a jaiket that'll no button upon you, if it should come to be weet? What do ye ca' thir things? Demmy brokens, d'ye say? They'll be brokens wi' a vengeance or ye can win back! Weel, I have nae thing to do wi' it it's no good taste." Clem, whose purse had thus metamorphosed his sister, and who was not insensible to the advertisement, had come to the rescue with a "Hoot, woman!

"Oh, you are, eh? Well, now, are you Tom's boy or Ed's?" "Tomth's boy. Uncle Ed hith gal-" "Ed got a boy?" "Yeth, thir- lii baby. Aunt Agg letth me hold 'im" "Agg! Is that her name?" "That's what Uncle Ed callth her." The man's head fell, and it was a long time before he asked his next question. "How is she, anyhow?"

Then he would nib his unshaven chin he was always unshaven most miraculously and yet never bearded with a flattened hand, and look at Mr. Bensington with one eye, and over him with the other, and say, "Oo, of courthe, Thir if you're theriouth!" But at last success dawned. And its herald was a letter in the long slender handwriting of Mr. Skinner. "The new Brood are out," wrote Mr.

You shan't scuttle away until you have spoken to my wife!" "Yeth, thir," said Vinie, her hand in Jacqueline's. "I wish you well, ma'am." Rand and Adam laughed. Jacqueline, with a sudden soft kindliness for the small flushed face and startled eyes, bent her flower-crowned head and kissed Vinie. "Oh!" breathed Vinie. "Yeth, yeth, Mith Jacqueline, I thertainly wish you well!"

"The same day, the Lords of Secret Council being crediblie informed of ye cruel and mischievous proceeding of ye wicked Clangrigor, so lang continueing in blood, slaughters, herships, manifest reifts, and stouths committed upon his Hieness' peaceable and good subjects; inhabiting ye countries ewest ye brays of ye Highlands, thir money years bybgone; but specially heir after ye cruel murder of umqll Jo.

In short, I have set you down as the staff of my old age, when the whole list of my friends will, after a decent share of pity, have forgot me. Though in the morn comes sturt and strife, Yet joy may come at noon; And I hope to live a merry, merry life When a' thir days are done.

'No, thir! snuffled the boy, who had a bad cold, 'been thitten up for you. 'Old puff-and-blow gone? asked Mr. Sponge, depositing his hat and whip on a chair. The boy gave no answer. 'Is old bellows-to-mend gone to bed? asked Mr. Sponge in a louder voice.