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"All wight!" said Magruder. "Now if Jackthon's over, we'll cwush them like a filbert." The staff officer returned. "Well, thir, well, thir? Ith General Jackthon acroth? Will he take them in the rear while I thrike here? Bryan, you look intolerably thober! What ith it?" "The bridge will not be finished for two hours, sir.

The Lord's people are a people of willingness in the day of His power: and indeed thir three go very well together, the people of God, the power of God, and a willing people. When the power of God works upon His people then He makes them to be a willing people.

"Yeth, thir," said the small and freckled attendant. So the party descended the wooden incline to where their sleepy black chairmen lay on the grass, waiting; and presently the two double chairs wheeled away toward that amusing maze of jungle pathways cut through the impenetrable hammock, and popularly known as the labyrinth. But Miss Suydam and Mr. Malcourt were not in the labyrinth.

Ye'll have hair, and routh of hair, a pigtail as thick's my arm, I said, 'and the bonniest colour like the clear gowden guineas, so as the lads in kirk'll no can keep their eyes off it! Weel, it lasted out her time, puir thing! I cuttit a lock of it upon her corp that was lying there sae cauld. I'll show it ye some of thir days if ye're good. But, as I was sayin', my mither "

'Thay no more Thir, said little Puddock, to the infinite relief of the reverend father, who flung another look of reproach at Devereux, and muttered his indignation to himself. 'I'm perfectly satisfied; and so, I venture to thay, is Lieutenant O'Flaherty 'Is not he going to say something to Nutter? enquired Devereux. 'Yes, whispered Puddock, 'I hope he'll get through it.

And then I'se warrant ye'll be for fire thir cauld nights, or if ye want candle, that's an expensive article, for it's against the rules. And now I've tell'd ye the head articles of the charge, and I dinna think there's muckle mair, though there will aye be some odd expenses ower and abune."

So get ready, lad quick as ever ye can. Tell the awd man naething about what ye want wi' the horse the fewer that knaw onything about thir things the better. And ye, lads, will be upon the look-out; and, if we can get the lugger run in here, have a'thing in readiness." "No fear o' that, master," said they.

He groaned aloud, and if in that bitter sigh he could have breathed away his existence he would have gladly done it. Some one entered the room, struck a match, and lit the gas. It was his servant, or rather the joint servant of two or three of the bachelors who lived in the house, a huge, smooth-faced colored man. "Oh, excuthe me, Mister Harrington, I thought you wath out, Thir.

I have drank mony a glass wi' Glossin, man, that did you up, though he's a justice now. And then I'se warrant ye'll be for fire thir cauld nights, or if ye want candle, that's an expensive article, for it's against the rules. And now I've tell'd ye the head articles of the charge, and I dinna think there's muckle mair, though there will aye be some odd expenses ower and abune.

Clarks camp about 10 A.M. this he had unloaded and set a few miles up the river for a buffaloe which had been killed, the party sent killed another in thir rout and brought in the flesh and skins of both they were in good order; his hunters had also killed two deer and an Antelope yesterday. the three other canoes did not arrive untill late in the evening in consequence of the wind and the fear of weting their loads which consisted of articles much more liable to be injured by moisture than those which composed the load of that which arrived in the morning.