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Ye'll have hair, and routh of hair, a pigtail as thick's my arm, I said, `and the bonniest colour like the clear gowden guineas, so as the lads in kirk'll no can keep their eyes off it! Weel, it lasted out her time, puir thing! I cuttit a lock of it upon her corp that was lying there sae cauld. I'll show it ye some of thir days if ye're good. But, as I was sayin', my mither "

There be the old 'un at the window! Thick's the man for we." And he was hurrying off to the bow-window of the Squire's room, which was alongside of the conservatory. But Nathanael called him back imperatively. "Stay, friend. My father has nothing to do with the mines it is I. I'll speak to you presently. Some business of Anne's," he explained hastily to his wife. "Leave us, dear."

I tell you it makes business lively fer the lawyers an sheriffs. They're the ones ez rides in kerridges these days." "Is the jail pretty full now?" "Chock full, hed to send a batch up ter Lenox las' week, an got em packed bout's thick's they'll lay naow, like codfish in a bar'l. Haow in time I'm a gonter make room fer the fellers the court'll send in nex' week, I d'now, derned if I dew.

Ye'll have hair, and routh of hair, a pigtail as thick's my arm, I said, 'and the bonniest colour like the clear gowden guineas, so as the lads in kirk'll no can keep their eyes off it! Weel, it lasted out her time, puir thing! I cuttit a lock of it upon her corp that was lying there sae cauld. I'll show it ye some of thir days if ye're good. But, as I was sayin', my mither "