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Directly below the hill on which they rested was a tiny hamlet nestling in the shadow of the steep ascent, and when Tom climbed a tree for a better view he could see to the southwest close by the river a surging metropolis with countless chimneys sending their black smoke up into the gray early morning sky. "I bet it's Berrlin," shouted Archer. "Gee, we'll be the firrst to get therre, hey?

Therre wouldn't have been any dangerr in that old shack, a hundred miles from nowherre." "We're safest in the hills," said Tom. "It's going to rain, too," Archer grumbled. Tom made no answer and they scrambled in silence up the uninviting hillside, till old Melotte's shack could be seen far below with the dim light in its windows.

"What you got to do, you do," said Archer; "that's what you'rre always sayin'. Didn't you say you wanted it so's you could see that fellerr Blondel's house from the mountains? Therre it is," he said, nodding toward an old ring-net that stood near, "and it's some souveneerr too, 'cause it's been at the bottom of the old Rhine."

"If we could once get overr therre into that Black Forest," he continued, scanning the Baden shore and the heights beyond with the rescued glass, "we'd be on easy street 'cause I remember gettin' licked forr sayin', 'the abrupt west slopes of this romantic region are something or otherr with wild vineyards that grow in furious thing-um-bobs " "What?" said Tom.

"You can just see the chimney," Tom said; "see, just left of that big tree. I hope I don't see Frenchy any more now 'cause I wouldn't like to have to tell him " "We don't know what happened," said Archer. "Maybe therre werren't any otherr soldierrs; she may have escaped and her motherr, too." "It's more likely there were others, though," said Tom.

Therre was a picture of a fellerr in a kind of an arrmorr looking off the top of a towerr just like this I remember 'cause I marrked him up with a pencil so's he'd have a swallerr-tailed coat and a sunbonnet." Archer's education was certainly helping him greatly.

"Oh, I know," said Archer; "it means Gerrman officerrs are billeted therre. Go-o-od night! Not for us!" The old man did not seem quite to understand, but he turned again to his map. "Here now is ze new road," he said, drawing it with his shaky old hand. "From ze Rhine road it runs south so.

"That would be Nancy," said Tom thoughtfully. "That Loquet feller that got capturred in a raid," Archer said, "told me the Americans were all around therre, just the otherr side of the mountains in a lot of differrent villages: When they get through training they send 'em ahead to the trenches. Some of 'em have been in raids already, he said."

"Anyway, I think the old fellow's half crazy," Archer persisted. "He's got roads on the brain. He jumps all around from Norrne to Passaic and " "He gave us something to eat," said Tom curtly. "Well, I didn't say he didn't, did I?" Archer snapped. "If we'd had any sense, we'd have stayed therre all night like he wanted us to.

"You can see how it is," he told Archer, as they watched the little compass needle, waiting for it to settle. "This is a ridge and it runs north and south. I kind of think it's the west side of the valley of a river, like Daggett's Hills are to Perch River up your way." "I'd like to be therre now," said Archer. "I'd rather be in France," Tom answered.