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Ai' tham my bizless, Billy? W'y, sure. Charley, you're goof feller. You too, Billy. You're goof feller, too. Say. Wur-wur if Miller's is open yet? 'Spose it is? Charley; I dub bes' I knowed how, di'n't I, now? Affor that Chief come up thas stairway and say me: 'Come ou' that, ye cussed fool! Aw say! 'Come ou' that 'Called me fool, too! Oo-hoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo!" "Hello, Dan! Hurt yourself any?

It is ordenyd and esyablyshid be the said mair, aldermen, and all the holl counsell of the said full nobill cite, be the consent and assent of all tham of the said occupacion in the said cite, that the said fraternite and bredirhode shalbe here after for ewyr kept and continend as it has beyn in tymis passid, and that every brodir thar of shall pay yerly for the sustentacion thar of vjd, that is to say, at every halff yer iij^d, providyng allway that every man of the said occupacion within the said cite shalnot be compellid ne boundeyn to be of the said fraternite ne brodirhood, ne noyn to be thar of bot soch as will of thar free will."

The letter from his brother "Tham" he has written out and reads; not that he does not know every word by heart, for he must have read it a hundred times, but because he wants to turn over at the proper place. We all know what he has made of that part. A play in which there is absolutely nothing of a plot, which would fall dead from the hands of an inferior actor, becomes with Mr.

The spread of atheism among the English is entirely due to the wild, liberty of opinion allowed tham by their forms of faith." "I do not agree with you!" declared Walden, firmly "The spread of atheism is due, not to freedom of opinion, nor forms of faith, but simply to the laxity and weakness of the clergy." The Bishop looked at him with a smile.

Sounds like as if one b'ar had come along to another b'ar's den and was tryin' to git in and drive tother one out. B'ars is dennin' to-night, and tham as has put off lookin' up a den till now is runnin' round in a hurry to get in somewhars out of the snow. "A b'ar's allus ugly when he's out late, lookin' for a den," the old trapper went on. "A b'ar hates snow on his toes.

'Aw right, says Conly, 'awsk him to cam in eah to me. You should 'a seen the owld josser's feaches wnoy towld im. 'Oyd zoyred jou to sy e was to cam in eah to me. 'Shloy gow and tell him again? I says, as cool as ennything. 'Now, says he, 'Oil gow myself. Thets wot Aw loike in Conly. He tikes tham fellers dahn wen they troy it on owver im." Meanwhile, Mr.

Mon, kh'tam; Khmêr, ktam; Khasi, tham. If we add the gender sign to the Khasi word, it becomes ka tham, and we have exact correspondence. Woman. Mon, brou or brao. Child. So, kón; Suk, kon; Mon, kon; Hüei, kuon; Annan, kon; Khmêr, kun; Khasi, khun. Compare Nancowry, kon. Eye. The word mat, mat, mat, run through several of these languages, e.g.

I ash you as may wurl I ash you as may man of world, is that is that proper way address me? Me! Know who I am? I'm Tom Ball. 'S who I am. I kill lick em man ill Logan Coun'y. Ai' thasso? Hay? 'S aw ri. Mfi choose stay up there, aw thas sec aw thas second floor and rescue fel-cizzen's propprop'ty from devouring em from devouring emlement, thas my bizless. Ai' tham my bizless, Charley?

"Butcher Tham 'th goin' ter kill 'im for uth," Julius Cæsar hastened to say, "an' I kin cook 'im." "No, you ain't. I'm goin' to cook 'im," Jericho Bob cried, resentfully. "He's mine." "He ain'th; he'th mine." "He was my egg," and Jericho Bob danced defiance at his friend.

And than thai send to the maisters of the Castell, to caus tham if thai mycht stay the said servandis, quha maid ane maner to do the same, bot thai could not bring the same to ane finall end, ffor the said servands wold on noways stay fra, quhill thai had revengit the hurting of ane of them; and thairefter the constable of the castell come down thairfra, and he with the said maisters treatet betwix the said pties in this maner: That the said provost and baillies sall remit to the said craftischilder, all actioun, cryme, and offens that thai had committit aganes thame in any tyme bygane; and band and oblast thame never to pursew them thairfor; and als commandit thair maisters to resaue them agane in thair services, as thai did befoir.