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On ahead the first section of the guard had turned into the Rue St. Anne. The houses became more sparse, intersected by narrow pieces of terrains vagues, or small weed-covered bits of kitchen garden. Then a halt was called. It was quite light now. As light as it would ever be beneath this leaden sky. Rain and snow still fell in gusts, driven by the blast. Some one ordered Armand to dismount.

«Mais il est indifférent pour mes vues que ces vastes ouvertures soient l'effet des courans d'eau, ou de toute autre cause. Ce que je me propose, est uniquement de montrer qu'elles sont d'autant plus profondes et plus vastes, que ces terrains sont immensément hauts

He was not even an observing spectator, but a good-natured enfant du siecle, a sinner among sinners, for whom life was one long comedy. * For instance, one stanza sung by M. de St. Maurice: "Tout les terrains, les canaux, les carrieres, Depuis le fer jusqu'au moindre metal, Les champs, les eaux, les forets, les bruyeres Tout represente un certain capital.

«Ces terrains sont couverts par un si grand nombre de courans, qu'il n'en est aucun ou l'on n'en aperçoive, soit dans des ravins, soit entre des montagnes. J'ai observé que la superficie des terrains qui en avoisine les lits, est plus unie aux confluens, plusieurs de ces courans se réunissent. Cela vient de ce que l'éminence, qui se trouve au confluent, paroît avoir été diminuée

Width, about 4 miles C. Ring of hot lava, dull red, shading to black heat at outer edge. Width, about 4 miles D. Ring 4m in width. Blocks of lava, rock salt, and coral-like terrains EEE. Volcanic mountains, up to 8m in height and valleys FFF. Antarctic Ocean with islands "Now move this way with your chair, and look at this map.

Only a few days ago Brian learned by heart a poem I read aloud, a poem called "Les Arbres Coupés," by Edmond Rostand. Teaching Brian, I found I had learned it myself. Chacun de nos soldats eut son cri de souffrance Devant ces arbres morts qui jonchaient les terrains: "Les pêchers!" criaient ceux de l'Île-de-France; "Et les mirabelliers!" crièrent les Lorrains.

Within half-an-hour the people of Paris was outside its own gates. Victory was complete. The Guard did not resist; the officers had surrendered; the great and mighty rabble had had its way. Exultant, it swarmed around the fortifications and along the terrains vauges which it had conquered by its will.

But for the greater part of the way derelict, uncultivated spaces of terrains vagues, and a few isolated houses lay between the road and the fortifications of the city.