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20. i.e. renouncing service which is the duty ordained for person of his order, he desired to betake himself to universal Renunciation or Sanyasa, without, however, the lingam or marks of that vow. Sankalpa-niyamopetah means Sankalpasya nigraha, of chittavritti nirodha; tena upetah. No Brahmana, the scriptures declare, should ever assist a Sudra in the performance of his religious or Pitri rites.

Though we reached harbour on July 5, and landed the next day, I have scarcely found a minute to write a line. Imagine my feelings as I touched land and jumped ashore at a creek under Judge Martin's house, in the presence of Rota Waitoa, the only native clergyman in the diocese; Levi, who is perhaps to be ordained, and four or five other natives. Tena ra fa koe e ho a? "How are you, my friends?"

In this sloka the word Vajra is used as associated with the thunder and therefore, as thunder is accompanied by lightning so the bows of the warriors are the lightning-marks of this particular Vajra. The word is Uttaradhus which seems to be very doubtful. Yenarjunastena, Yena is yatra and tena is tatra, as Nilakantha rightly explains. The meaning is "who would be there where Arjuna would be."

The sense is that all these were entirely shrouded by Arjuna's arrows. The true reading is Charmanam and not Varmanam: also bhumipa and bhutale. 370. i.e., is about to set. For 'Satyatha tena' the Bombay text reads 'Satyasandhena'. I follow the Bengal reading. What these were it is difficult to determine. The Bombay reading is different.