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I could have found him to-day if I'd known what to look for in the telephone-book, or if Miss Frances had been at Mother McNeil's. She might as well be lost, too, but she'll be back at seven, and that's why I am going now, so as to be there the minute she gets in, to ask her what his " "She might not like your asking, Carmencita. You must be careful, child. Miss Barbour is not a lady one can "

She took the telephone-book, found and memorised the address and turned to Harris. "Thank you very much. Will you mind giving me that package?" "Beg pardon, ma'am," the little man said, as he opened the door for her. "There's nothing more amiss, is there?" Cassy covered him with her lovely eyes. "When Mr. Lennox comes back here, he may tell you to unpack." "Then may God bless your ladyship."

Winfield and thrash him." With that he walked out of the room. He directed his cab to the nearest hotel, looked up Kirk's address in the telephone-book, and ten minutes later was ringing the studio bell. A look of relief came into George Pennicut's eyes as he opened the door. To George, nowadays, every ring at the bell meant a possible visit from Lora Delane Porter. "Is Mr.

Not much more than a month later I was in London; and after I had arranged certain matters which claimed my immediate attention, thinking Mrs. Strickland might like to hear what I knew of her husband's last years, I wrote to her. I had not seen her since long before the war, and I had to look out her address in the telephone-book.

"Then it's me for Jordan," said I. I went down stairs and told one of the bell-boys to look up the address in the telephone-book. It seemed to me he looked pale, that boy. "Aren't you well, Dan?" I said. "I don't know what's the matter with me, sir. I guess it must be the night work." I gave him a five-dollar bill and made him write down 1892 Eighth Avenue on a piece of paper.

I've been looking in the telephone-book for confectioners, and I've written down these addresses." She handed him a slip of paper. Tembarom caught his breath. "Hully gee!" he exclaimed, "there never were TWO of you made! One used up all there was of it. How am I going to thank you, anyhow!" "I do hope you'll be able to keep the page," she said. "I do that, Mr. Tembarom."

But the convenience appealed, and the villainy of the place did not extend to the telephone-book, which was the first thing he ordered. While waiting for it, it occurred to him that in a novel the death he had witnessed would seem very pat. Why is life so artificial? he wonderingly asked. The query suggested another. It concerned not the decedent but his daughter.

"I think we were very fortunate to have had you in this case, doctor." "So do I!" echoed Godfrey, while Hinman flushed with pleasure. "And don't forget, Lester, that it was I who picked him out, with nothing better than the telephone-book to guide me! That was my infallible instinct!" "Suppose we say ten o'clock, then?"

He sat down to a delicate Louis XVI. desk, on which lay a Bible, a Peerage, a telephone-book, a telephone, a lamp and much distinguished stationery. Between the tasselled folds of plushy curtains that pleated themselves with the grandeur of painted curtains in a theatre, he glanced out at the lights of Devonshire Square, from which not a sound came.

I took my telephone-book, and looked up the name Abell. It is an unusual name, and there was only one attorney bearing it. Yes, Comrade Carpenter had just arrived, and Miss Magna was with him. They were going to have a little party, and they would be glad to have me come. Yes, Mr. T-S would be welcome, of course.