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Updated: August 15, 2024

Miss Bines tirelessly memorised rules. She would disclose to her placid mother that the lead of a trump to the third hand's go-over of hearts is of doubtful expediency; or that one must "follow suit with the smallest, except when you have only two, neither of them better than the Jack.

He learned that Bullard's office was on the fourth of the nine floors; at the same time he memorised the name of a firm on the fifth floor. Then he ascended leisurely. Care-takers and cleaners were about, but apparently they had finished their tasks above the fourth floor. He spoke to one of them, an elderly man. "Can you tell me if Mr. Stern of Stern & Lynoch has returned?" "No, sir.

"All right," she laughed. "I think I have it memorised nearly." "That's good," he said. "Let's hear some of it." "Oh, I don't know whether I can get up and say it off here," she said bashfully. "Well, I don't know why you shouldn't. It'll be easier here than it will there." "I don't know about that," she answered.

For as he looked he saw, as though emerging from a mist whose obscurity melted with each instant, what was to him the one face in all the world. He did not think then of its beauty that would come later; and besides no beauty of one born of woman could outmatch the memorised beauty which had so long held his heart.

I announce to you this unity of our Eves. For months it has made us one. May I repeat your ceremony? I have memorised it perfectly. 'Human life incarnates God. Words can add nothing to the sublime fact of the union of two souls. This is the supreme sacrament of human experience. It proclaims its inherent divinity. There is no yesterday or to-day in the harmony and rhythm of two such souls.

It is fair to assume that this other man, being a code expert, already has memorised the key so that he can read the dispatch almost offhand. At least that is the assumption upon which I am going." "All this happened in Washington, I suppose?" "Yes, in Washington. The original understanding was that as soon as possible after stealing the dispatch Westerfeltner would turn it over to the other man.

But after reading it scores of times I soon memorised everything, including the periods. This document was as follows: Office of the Imperial Post & Telegraph August 2nd, 1914. Announcement No. 3. To the Chief Telegraph Office: From to-day on, the Post and Telegraph communications between Germany on the one hand and: 1. England, 2. France, 3. Russia, 4. Japan, 5. Belgium, 6. Italy, 7.

Here the little boy always listened at his wrist to know if his pulse rattled yet, and felt glad indeed that he was a Presbyterian, instead of being in that dreadful place with Jews and Papists and Milo Barrus, who spelled God with a little g. As to his own performance, Clytie found that he memorised prose with great difficulty.

The number on the license plate was plainly revealed as the vehicle showed its back to the street lamp. But what good was that to him? He memorised it mechanically, in mutinous appreciation of the fact that the taxi was setting a pace with which he could not hope to compete afoot. The rumble of another motor-car caught his ear, and he looked round eagerly.

The gaiety of the day he had spent with the girls, its feasting and its flirtation, arose, memorised in a soft halo of imagination a day of fruit, wine, and light words, and the dear General, with his St James's politics and his only desire "a little something to do something to bring me out, you know."

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