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And now she realized that the hoarse cries which had filled her with terror were the saddest of complaints! were not "Hoo! hoo!" but "Boo! hoo!" "Poor man!" sympathized the little old gentleman, wagging his beard. Jane, however, with characteristic lack of compassion, hopped about, tee-heeing loudly and straightening out any number of wrinkles. "Oh, ain't he a sight!" she chortled.

MacTaggart, and I don't think it's mentioned in Forbes's 'Institutes. Fifteen Campbell assessors and the baron bailie might have sent a man to the Plantations on that dittay ten years ago, but we live in different times, Mr. MacTaggart different times, Mr. MacTaggart," repeated the writer, tee-heeing till his bent shoulders heaved under his seedy, ink-stained surtout coat.

She had a cousin, Jenny Wabster, that dwelt in Tenshillingland than, and mony a summer nicht up the Fechars Road, when ye smelled the honeysuckle in the gloaming, I have heard the two o' them tee-heeing owre the lads thegither, skirling in the dark and lauching to themselves. They were of the glaikit kind ye can always hear loang before ye see. She doesna lauch sae muckle now, puir bodie!

I can see him yet, this huge ruddy man, spreading himself by the fireplace, taking up most of the room with his person, while he of the flannel dressing-gown wandered about tee-heeing with laughter and, round one side or the other, or between the legs of the Colossus, making an occasional feeble poke at the fire.

He is a wise fellow, after all, this beardless Jack-pudding of Thorn!" cried the other, tee-heeing with laughter till he nearly wept upon his own saddle-bow. I began to get very angry. For we men of Thorn were not accustomed to be so flouted by any strangers, keeping mostly our own customs, and reining in the few strangers who ventured to visit Duke Casimir's dominions pretty tightly.

"'Why, sais I, 'ain't this Prince Edward's? "'Why, yes, sais they, looking still more puzzled. "'Well, sais I, 'in the middle of Halifax harbour is King George's Island, and that must be the father of this. "Well if they could see any wit in that speech, it is more than I could, to save my soul alive; but it is the easiest thing in the world to set a crowd off a tee-heeing.

The splurging twain rallied him and drew him out in talk, passed him their flasks at the Brownie's Brae, had him tee-heeing at their nonsense. It was a full-blooded night to the withered little man. That was how young Gourlay left Barbie for what was to prove his last session at the University.