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She had a cousin, Jenny Wabster, that dwelt in Tenshillingland than, and mony a summer nicht up the Fechars Road, when ye smelled the honeysuckle in the gloaming, I have heard the two o' them tee-heeing owre the lads thegither, skirling in the dark and lauching to themselves. They were of the glaikit kind ye can always hear loang before ye see. She doesna lauch sae muckle now, puir bodie!

I'm very anxious to see Gourlay about yon matter we were speaking of, doan't ye understa-and? But I'm determined not to go to his house! On the other hand, if we go into the Red Lion the now, we may miss him on the street. We'll noat have loang to wait, though; he'll be down the town directly, to look at the horses he has at the gerse out the Fechars Road.

Wilson descanted on the benefits that would accrue to Barbie if it got the railway, and on the needcessity for a "long pull, and a strong pull, and a pull all together" a phrase which he repeated many times in the course of his address. He sat down at last amid thunders of applause. "There's no needcessity for me to make a loang speech," said the Provost.

A loang Arts course is a grand thing for a clairgyman. Even if he spends half a dozen years on't he won't be wasting his time!" Gourlay glanced at his father. "I mean to try't in three," he said. His father had threatened him that he must get through his Arts in three years without deigning, of course, to give any reason for the threat. "We-ell," said Mr.

And if he does that, Goudie and I may do what we like, but we canna help you. For it's the partners that decide the estimates sent in, d'ye see? Imphm, it's the partners. Goudie has noathing to do wi' that. And if Gourlay once gets round the partners, you'll be left out in the cold for a very loang time. Shivering, sir, shivering! You will that!" "Dod, you're right. There's a danger of that.

The Provost leaned with pompous gravity toward his monitor, hand at ear to catch the treasured words. He nodded and resumed. "Now, gentlemen, as Mr. Wilson said, this is a case that needs a loang pull, and a stroang pull, and a pull all together. We must be unanimous. It will noat do to show ourselves divided among ourselves.

"Hear, hear!" said Gourlay, and the meeting was unkind enough to laugh. "Order, order!" cried Wilson perkily. "As I was saying when I was grossly interrupted," fumed the Provost, "there's no needcessity for me to make a loang speech. I had thoat we were a-all agreed on the desirabeelity of the rileway coming in our direction. I had thoat, after the able I must say the very able speech of Mr.

To hell wi' bottles! The jar, Jenny, the jar; set out the jar, lass, set out the jar. For we mean to make a night of it, this gentleman and me. Ay," he yawed with a vicious smile, "we'll make a night o't we two. A night that Barbie'll remember loang!" "Have ye skill o' drink?" he asked, turning to his son. "No," wheezed John. "No!" cried his father. "I thought ye learned everything at College!