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Jess had to explode at that, but the odd girl did not even smile. She only stared at the giggling Jess and asked: "Ain't ye well?" "Oh, yes!" gasped Jess. "Well, I didn't know," drawled Liz. "My a'nt what brought me up useter keep a bottle of giggle medicine for us gals. An' it was nasty tastin' stuff, too. She made us take a gre't spoonful if we laffed at table, or after we gotter bed nights.

Paint me nateral, I besech you; for I tell you now, as I told you before, and ever shall say, there is nothin' worth havin' or knowin', or hearin', or readin', or seein', or tastin', or smellin', or feelin' and above all and more than all, nothin' worth affectionin' but Natur. As soon as I found my friend Mr.

After a little, he went off about his business, and left me to attend to mine. A raccoon came nosing along, stoppin' every little way to turn over the leaves, or pull away the dirt from a root with his long hands, tastin' of one thing and smellin' of another in a mighty dainty way. When he came to my tree, he seemed to think that there might be something among its branches worth looking at.

"We've shore got our own troubles, an' keepin' her 'll only add to them. I've a hunch. Now you know I ain't often givin' to buckin' your say-so. But this deal ain't tastin' good to me. Thet girl ought to be sent home." "But mebbe there's somethin' in it for us. Her sister 'd pay to git her back." "Wal, I shore hope you'll recollect I offered thet's all," concluded Wilson.

She was aye against tastin', and a'm judgin' her tribble has ended it at beerials." "Man, it was hard on some o' yon lads the day, but there wesna ane o' them made a mudge. I keepit my eye on Posty, but he never lookit the way it wes. He's a drouthy body, but he hes his feelin's, hes Posty." Before the Doctor began the prayer, Whinnie took me up to the room.

Every decanter that comes in has jist half a bottle in it, the rest goes in tastin', to see it aint corked. His character would suffer if a bit o' cork floated in it. Every other bottle is corked, so he drinks that bottle, and opens another, and gives master half of it.

Dig 'em all out, only don't disturb the roots of the bearin' canes you leave in the rows much." "How about trimming these?" I asked. "Well, that depends. If you want early fruit, you'll let 'em stand as they be; if you want big berries, you'll cut 'em back one-third. Let me see. Here's five rows of Highland Hardy; miserable poor- tastin' kind; but they come so early that they often pay the best.

"'As is frequent with me, says Dan Boggs, after we sets quiet a moment, meanwhiles tastin' our nosepaint thoughtful for these outbursts of Cherokee's an' Enright's calls for consid'rations, 'as is frequent with me, says Dan, 'I reckons I'll string my chips with Cherokee.

It's all a matter o' feelin' d'ye see wan o' the five senses." "Wot a muddlehead you are, Larry," growled Muggins; "ye don't even know that there's six senses." "Only five," said the Irishman firmly "seein', hearin', tastin', smellin', and feelin'; wot's the sixth sense?" "One that you are chock full of it's non-sense," replied Muggins.

Aifter a whilie they tak a mornin' wi' a freend, and syne a gless at the public-hoose in the evenin', and they treat ane anither on market days. That's the second stage; that's 'tastin'. Then they need it reg'lar every day, nicht an' mornin', and they'll sit on at nicht till they're turned oot.