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They ended by offering to marry her to Farette, the old miller, to whom they owed money for flour. They brought Farette to the house at last, and she was patient while he ogled her, and smoked his strong tabac, and tried to sing.

Charley had entered the store by another door, just as the guide began his story, and had listened to it unobserved with breathless interest. "Recover! Oh oui, monsieur, he soon got well again." "Oh, I'm so glad," cried Charley. "But I lost him for that voyage," added the guide; "and I lost my tabac for ever!"

Charley had entered the store by another door, just as the guide began his story, and had listened to it unobserved with breathless interest. "Recover! Oh oui, monsieur, he soon got well again. "Oh, I'm so glad," cried Charley. "But I lost him for that voyage," added the guide; "and I lost my tabac for ever."

I added an apology, having presented him with the package. "Why do you shell out these? They cost fifteen sous, you may spend for them if you like, you understand what I'm saying? Better to save for that day ... better to buy du tabac and faire yourself; these are made of tobacco dust." And there was someone to the right who was saying: "To-morrow is Sunday" ... wearily. I tried to go.

The blacksmith never forgave himself for having left the girl to go home alone, and it was he who forged the cross that marks the scene of the crime and sets the wayfarer conjecturing. The peasant changed his ideas by filling his pipe. He smoked tobacco that he grew in a corner of his garden for his own use, and which he enjoyed all the more because it was tabac de contrebande.

"Come now, Antoine," said Peter, throwing a green blanket at him; "I know you want that to begin with. What's the use of thinking so long about it, eh? And that, too," he added, throwing him a blue cloth capote. "Anything else?" "Oui, oui, monsieur," cried Antoine, as he disengaged himself from the folds of the coat which Peter had thrown over his head. "Tabac, monsieur, tabac!"

Peter Mactavish gave Louis a hearty shake of the hand before proceeding to supply his wants, which were simple and moderate, excepting in the article of tabac, in the use of which he was immoderate, being an inveterate smoker; so that a considerable portion of the snake had to be uncoiled for his benefit. "Fond as ever of smoking, Louis?" said Peter Mactavish, as he handed him the coil.

"Ah, oui, I lost all my spirits, and my comrade Francois at the same time!" "Dear me!" exclaimed the clerk, bustling about the store while the guide continued to talk. "Oui, monsieur, oui. I lost him, and my tabac, and my spirits, and very nearly my life, all in one moment!" "Why, how came that about?" said Peter, pausing in his work, and laying a handful of pipes on the counter.

Nous sommes venant pour tabac." "Ah, tabac, tabac!" they cried, and laughed again. "That hit 'em. Let's heave a dory over, anyway," said Tom Platt. "I don't exactly hold no certificates on French, but I know another lingo that goes, I guess. Come on, Harve, an' interpret." The raffle and confusion when he and Harvey were hauled up the bark's black side was indescribable.

With swollen bodies, thin limbs, and stooping forms; with a childish, yet cunning, leer on their faces, they crouched over the fire, spreading their hands toward its genial warmth, and all shrieking at once, "Tabac! tabac!" and "Galleta!" biscuit. Tobacco there was none; but the remains of the lunch, such as it was, hard bread and pork, was distributed among them, and they greedily devoured it.