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Their bad management altered their credit and brought them to agree, after several years' enjoyment so as not to pay La Rochelle, to take their ships to Hâvre-de-Grace, where, on arrival they sold to Messrs Lick and Tabac; this perfidy which they excused because of the large interest taken from them, alarmed La Rochelle who complained to Paris, and after much pressing a trustee was appointed to give bonds in the name of the society for large sums yet due to the city of La Rochelle.

"There are a dozen violins for sale at a dealer's. I pass that way, common scraper of catgut that I am, I tune them and try them, and play over on each of them in turn, with false notes galore, some catchy tune Au clair de la lune or J'ai du bon tabac dans ma tabatière stuff fit to kill the old cow.

They ended by offering to marry her to Farette, the old miller, to whom they owed money for flour. They brought Farette to the house at last, and she was patient while he ogled her, and smoked his strong tabac, and tried to sing.

"If you'd tie a bit o' pink ribbon round me neck, I'd die wid pride," said McGilveray, spitting on the ground in defiance at the same time. The big soldier laughed, and told his comrades what the bandmaster had said. One of them grinned, but the other frowned sullenly, and said: "Avez vous tabac?" "Havey you to-ba-co?" said the big soldier instantly interpreting.

"The grizzly comes on you bold and strong; you know your danger right away, and have it out. So. But the puma comes God, how the puma comes!" He broke off, his eyes burning bright under his bushy brows and his body arranging itself into an attitude of expectation and alertness. "You have travelled far. The sun goes down. You build a fire and cook your meat, and then good tea and the tabac.

"I can bring him when I want him, Victor," said the lady. "Let us hope others will be equally fortunate," the Gascon said, with one hand in his breast, the other stroking his moustache. "Fi, monsieur, que vous sentez le tabac! je vous le defends, entendez-vous, monsieur?" "Pourtant, I have seen the day when Madame la Duchesse did not disdain a cigar," said Victor.

President Carnot had given her a small pension in the form of a bureau de tabac at Troyes, where she died in 1896, leaving a son, who some years ago was divorced from his wife, emigrated to Buenos Ayres, and has never been heard of since. It is supposed that he is dead. The two great-nephews have each a son and a daughter living.

I never smoke, never; mon medecin forbids it. If I could be tempted, it would be by, an English cigar. Ah, how you English beat us in all things, your ships, your iron, your tabac, which you do not grow!" This speech rendered literally as we now render it may give the idea of a somewhat vulgar speaker.