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'You hain't hashamed o' me yore heyes saigh so, he said looking at her. 'No, Billy, she said, and I wondered at her steady voice, 'not a bit. Why, Billy, I am proud of you. He gazed up at her with wonder and ineffable love in his little eyes, then lifted his hand slightly toward her. She knelt quickly and took it in both of hers, stroking it and kissing it. 'Oi haught t'a done better.

"Halloo! halloo!" shouted his attendant, "help! help!" and he got at both bells and rang away with might and main; but before any one came the banker was out of bed, struck his attendant a blow in the eye, which made him see one hundred and forty-six suns, and laid him upon the floor, after which he commenced waltzing en chemise in his delirium, all round the room with a chair, dragging after him the unfortunate hero of the pestle and mortar, and roaring at the top of his voice these lines of Racine: Peut-être on t'a conté la fameuse disgrâce De l'altière Vasthi dont j'occupe la place, Lorsque le Roi, centre elle enflammé de dépit,

Hit 'urts to think 'E's hashamed o' me. Oi'd like t'a done better oi would. 'Ashamed of you, Billy! said Craig, in a voice that broke. 'Not He. 'An' ye hall 'elped me so! he went on. 'Oi wish oi'd 'a done better oi do, and his eyes sought Geordie, and then rested on Mrs. Mavor, who smiled back at him with a world of love in her eyes.

He was practeesin' seekin' the tickets at the station. Ow, ay; Sandy's like a' ither body! He's a gey breezie carlie when he's awa' frae hame, an' his dickie on! Sandy had his uswal argey-bargeyin' in the train, an' I thocht ae man an' him, that cam' in at Carnoustie, wi' his wife, an' a pair o' nickerbucker breeks on, was genna t'a' to the fechtin' a'thegither.

"Et toi, mon pauvre Chicot," says she, "est-ce qu'on t'a mis a la retraite? Il parait que tu n'es plus General chez Franco " "CHUT!" says the Baron, putting his finger to his lips. "What are they saying, my dear?" says my wife to Jemimarann, who had a pretty knowledge of the language by this time.

"Chère enfant, chère enfant, forgive an old papa qui t'a fait bobo and you are actually going to marry my Théo?" "I am." "Then," with a solemnity that was as overwhelming as his joy, he returned, bowing his head as if in church, "il a une sacrée chance. He is the luckiest boy in the world." Brigit had forgotten what boredom meant.

In another slip, which is manifestly an outburst of the royal petulance, his Majesty demands, in a "displayed" paragraph: "Why name of Mr. If name of Chow Phya Bhudharabhay is to be thus: P'raya P'oo t'a ra P'ie. And why the London was not published thus: Lundun or Landan, if Bejrepuri is to be published P'etch' abury."

The Origin of Chên-shui T'a From the midst of this there arose a pagoda, which rose and fell with the water, floating on the top like a vessel; the spire thrusting itself far up into the sky, and swaying about like the mast of a ship in a storm.

"Ta vie est un eclair qui meurt dans son nuage, Mais l'eclair t'a sauve s'il t'a fait voir le ciel." July 26, 1876. A private journal is a friend to idleness. It frees us from the necessity of looking all round a subject, it puts up with every kind of repetition, it accompanies all the caprices and meanderings of the inner life, and proposes to itself no definite end.

She had put her arms round his legs and lifted herself to a kneeling position. "I did come Friday. But don't be angry with me. Don't fly out at me, and I I'll explain everything." "May I make so bold 's t'a' ask why you come, without my permission begged for nor given?" His voice was terrible to hear, so deep and yet so harsh, and vibrating with such implacable wrath.