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The devil's down in Coupée Bay, and we've killed him for you." "Ah then, Gyu marchi! Here's a blanket and the lantern rope's in barn. You get a bed ready," to the woman, and they went off towards the Coupée. And mighty glad the Doctor was to see them coming. He had begun to fear the Sénéchal had lost his head and made a bolt for home.

John Trevna shot him, but he had been dead a long time before that, though he was alive last night, for Peter had hold of his leg as he ran." "And where is the other the one you went for?" "He's not on L'Etat, anyway, ma fille," and they lifted the body on to a piece of sailcloth, and carried it off through the tunnel for the Sénéchal to look into.

"Let's keep on," said Gard. "Things generally happen just when you don't expect them." "That's so," grunted the Sénéchal. And they decided to keep on. Fortunately, the nights were warm and mostly fine. When neither moon nor stars afforded him light enough for a safe crossing, he took a lantern, so that no one who desired to knock him on the head need miss the chance for lack of seeing him.

Then, as I came home, I met Tom as I have told you." The Sénéchal considered the matter for a moment. He did not for one moment believe that Gard had had any hand in the killing of Tom Hamon. But he could not but perceive the hostile feeling that was abroad, and his desire was, if possible, to allay it.

Peter put up his right hand and swore so to do. "Now tell us all you know," said the Sénéchal. And Peter ramblingly told how he and Tom had been drinking together the night before, and how Tom had started off home and he had gone to bed. "Were you both drunk?" "Well " "Very well, you were. Did you think it right to let your friend go off in that condition when he had to cross the Coupée?"

But when he went to and fro by night, he went mailed according to the Doctor's ideas and armed according to the Sénéchal's; and each night the Doctor and the Sénéchal went quietly down, some time in advance, and lay hidden on the headlands with their guns, and never took their eyes off him and all his surroundings, while he was in sight.

One night, indeed, when there was a high wind, the Doctor's marrow crawled in his backbone at the sound of groanings and moanings and most dolorous cries for help, coming up out of black Coupée Bay, where they had picked up Tom Hamon's and Peter Mauger's dead bodies. He sweated cold terrors, for he was on the east headland right above the bay, till the Sénéchal crawled over to him and whispered

Suppose you had killed him that other night what would you have felt as you stood here to-day? Take that thought home with you, and may God keep you from like misjudgment in the future!" And they had not a word to say for themselves, but crawled silently aboard, and in silence pulled back to Creux Harbour. Once only old John de Carteret spoke to the Sénéchal, soon after they had started.

Quick!" ordered the Sénéchal. "And a blanket and a rope and get ready a bed for a wounded man. Come you with me and help!" "Mais, mon Gyu !" began the man. "We've killed the devil, and the Doctor's down there with him " "But we don't want him here, M. le Sénéchal," quavered a woman's voice, in terror. "Fools! It's Mr. Gard that is hurt.

He shouted something after us, but I did not understand it." "You don't know what it was that he said?" an unfortunate question on the part of the Sénéchal, and quite unintentionally so on his part. It necessitated the introduction of matters Gard would fain have kept out of the enquiry.