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Wedgwood cites, points in the direction of crescere; and the O. Fr. cressonage, implying a verb cressoner, means the right of grazing. Under dock Mr. He cites Prov. doga, which he translates by bank. Raynouard has only "dogua, douve, creux, cavité," and refers to It. doga.

But I had not far to go, for at Vaudin's Inn, which stands at the top of the steep lane running from the Creux Harbor, I saw Tardif at the door. Now and then he acted as guide when young Vaudin could not fill that office, or had more parties than he could manage; and Tardif was now waiting the arrival of the weekly stream of tourists.

Elevated by his discovery, the finder maintained his reputation by doing the only thing that could be done. He left them talking and sped away across the downs, across the fields, towards Creux harbour. He might, if he had known it, have found a boat nearer at hand, Rouge Terrier way or in Brenière Bay.

"I screamed and crawled back across the narrow bit to the cutting, and ran screaming up to the cottages at Plaisance, and Thomas Carré and his men came running down. But they could do nothing. They went round in a boat from the Creux, but he was dead." "And how did you get home?" "Thomas Carré took me across and I ran on alone, but it was months before I could forget poor old Hirzel Mollet."

But even the thickest of the thickheads can't put it down to you" and the thickheads present grinned in friendly fashion, and they ran up the sail with a will, and turned her nose, and went racing back to the Creux quicker than they had come.

There isn't a boat left alive outside the Creux, and he couldn't get one there without them knowing. But" in quick excitement now, to make up for lost time "they have seen you here, and they may come to-night Achochre that I am! They may be here! Come quickly! Your gun!" and she was all on the quiver to be gone. Gard stooped and pulled out the gun from its hiding-place inside the shelter.

There were no boats at the anchorage in Havre Gosselin. He learned afterwards that they had all run to the shelter of Creux Harbour on the other side of the island. He breasted the gale and headed for the house. "I'm very much afraid we're stuck for the night," he said, as they looked up enquiringly on his entrance. "There's not a sign of a boat, and I'm quite sure no boat could face that sea.

Suppose you had killed him that other night what would you have felt as you stood here to-day? Take that thought home with you, and may God keep you from like misjudgment in the future!" And they had not a word to say for themselves, but crawled silently aboard, and in silence pulled back to Creux Harbour. Once only old John de Carteret spoke to the Sénéchal, soon after they had started.

But now Sercq lay straight in front of our boat's nose, like a great gray whale nuzzling its young, and every long pull of the oars brought it nearer. There was time indeed for catastrophe yet, and our anxieties would not be ended till Creux harbour was in sight.

They saw him standing by the captain, and waved glad welcomes, and presently, his glimpse into the depths of Margaret's eyes as he kissed her, told him that he had been missed even as he had missed. "I am glad I went with him," he said, as they climbed the steep Creux Road. "It did him good to talk. He's feeling it terribly." He did not tell them that they had got the previous day's papers in St.